Get to know the people you share the forum with each day.

Figured I should write something new here, since the previous one I wrote is pretty outdated and lack-lustered.

My name is Charlie, but my online alias is Zelda. I'm non-binary with they/them pronouns. I play an array of Nintendo games, but my favorites are Animal Crossing and The Legend of Zelda (as seen with my username). I'm still fairly young (to put it into perspective, I'm still in high school...) and I'm Canadian. I'm extremely introverted and anti-social, and I try to be mature but I don't think it works. XD My hobbies are reading, writing, drawing, playing video games, and cooking/baking. I'm also Indigenous (my mom and her side of the family is Inuit so I was indeed from the North) and I'm bisexual. Can't really think of anything else to write, so I'm gonna end it here.
Hmm, let’s see if we’re all ready….

I’m Chloe. I’m an anxious lady who writes bad novels. (age 26) My other interests include drawing, blogging, podcasting, studying history, and of course gaming. I love visiting this forum to decompress and see what everyone’s up to lol. I’m a bit nosy that way….

Hope you enjoy your stay! 💕
i can't remember if i've posted in this thread yet

my name is art, i'm 28 and live in new zealand. i joined TBT originally to do in-game trades in ACNH but have stuck around because it's a nice place to hang out and lurk. i especially had fun with the fair just now, this was my first time participating in a TBT event and it was great ^^

apart from animal crossing my fave games are hatoful boyfriend (where my username comes from!), soulsborne series, and horrible browser games like granblue fantasy and kancolle. i'm big into anime/manga, my alltime fave series is bleach, but i also really like kimetsu no yaiba, golden kamuy, and jjba at the moment. i also like pro wrestling (lol).

i have brainrot from my main social networks being twitter and previously tumblr and it takes a lot of energy to not communicate solely in weird cryptic memes. this is probably the place where i act the most normal on the internet atm lmao. nice to meet you all🙌
I made an introductory post a bit ago, but I never saw this! It's super awesome to get to learn more about all of you.
My name is Krissy. I'm from Louisiana, but I was born in NY. I adore anime/manga and have a weird soft spot for soap operas like General Hospital (I blame watching them with my mom when i was little x.x)
I joined TBT because I started playing NH and wanted more friends, since the ones I played with in NL weren't really interested in NH at the time.
Admittedly I have ADHD/OCD (with RSD complicating things) and my anxiety and depression sometimes make me drop off the face of the planet but x.x I promise I adore people and I never mean to just vanish.
I play World of Warcraft and FFXIV as my MMO's but I have a pretty large steam library and nintendo library x.x Honestly I'm really really bad about buying games when they go on sale, then forgetting to try them, but I love games - mainly, I love to find cozy games because what usually helps me destress is to curl up on the couch and either read or play a relaxing game.
I also used to play Free Realms and even though I'm an adult now, I still miss that game a loooot.
I'm also always afraid I sound like I'm being argumentative with people <_< so if I ever reply to any of you and I sound like i'm being argumentative, I promise I'm not x.x

i can't remember if i've posted in this thread yet

mood tho, i sat here like 'i wanna reply... but did i already? gonna reply again anyway' lol
Hey everyone! I’m Enbymon (I’m too internet-scared to reveal my name/age), a Nonbinary fan of Animal Crossing since 2018. My pronouns are They/Them/He/Him, and I first got interested playing Pocket Camp, and got New Horizons as a Christmas present in 2020, and I’m thinking of trying to find a way of getting some of the other games too! Also I’m a scaly. Kinda embarrassed about it tho. Glad to meet everyone here! :3
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Just saw this and can't remember if I've introduced myself and I'm not comfortable to reveal my real name (hopefully I didn't reveal it a few years back)

Hello! You may call me Sage after my new Island representative I'm 21 years old and identify/was born as a male I'm a weeb and manga collector if you're curious about my collection I'll happily DM it to you if you dm me on the forum! Anyways my favorite manga is One Piece and my favorite game is really a toss up nowadays but instead I'll tell you I've been playing Hades lately! Really fun game I like rogue, rpg, and open world games mostly.
Hello! I'm relatively new here so I guess 🎶 allow me to introduce myself 🎶
I don't like revealing what I look like, my name, etc. on the interwebs, but I go by Cherry here. I joined almost 2 months ago. Im female. I enjoy reading, eating, cooking, baking, playing video games, listening to music, playing the violin (and sometimes the piano but im not good at it yet), drives through rich green forests, acquiring stationery, and writing. I have a very cute doggy named Sofia. She is seven years old, still acts like a puppy, and is a complete mutt. Might be a sort of hound dog. Definitely part pitbull, maybe part Lab. (We have no idea though lol.)

Video games I enjoy playing include the Animal Crossing series, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, SSBU, Minecraft, Super Mario Odyssey, Earthbound, Wii Sports, and Wii Fit.

I currently own ACGC, ACCF, ACNL, and ACNH. I'm pretty proud of my AC collection and someday I'm gonna get ACWW. Currently I have only played ACNL since Christmas because I got it for Christmas and every other game has paled in comparison to ACNL (although I do love the other games, with the exception of ACCF, which doesn't have as much appeal but it's all right)

Books I love: Mostly the classics. C.S. Lewis is a favorite of mine (The Screwtape Letters, probably my fav book; The Chronicles of Narnia), as well as The Wind in the Willows, the Little House on the Prairie series, Harry Potter, the Shadow Children series by Margaret Peterson Haddix (ooh don't get me started on MPH), The Giver, and Ben and Me

As you can see I tend to get long winded when I talk about myself 😂 and I seem to obsess over a lot of things. But it's good to meet you all!
uhh guess I'll write something? wrote here a while ago, but it's not really accurate anymore

im Bambi, im the current host of a system (think dissociative identity disorder / multiple personality disorder [the second one is an outdated term] .. but without the amnesia) and im autistic and have adhd among other things. i usually refer to myself as I / me in order to not confuse people who don't know much about this kind of thing so ill continue to do that. im agender and aroace. my interests change really often but i overall love video games and cartoons a lot, i love nintendo and indie games !! i also like to draw for fun sometimes, and write occasionally if i have the motivation to. also a big music lover, i love a variety of genres. i love animals and own 7 cats and a dog. i also like to collect, i collect lots of toys and plushies and graphic t shirts !

acnl was my first animal crossing game and it holds a very special place in my heart :]
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Hello! I am Rose and I was fairly active during the ACNL phase of this forum. I have grown since then and am now a Junior in college! Crazily enough when I began posting, I was but a wee lad in the 7th of all grades. I'm currently studying business administration at a school in California and now, I live on Excel, Google Drive, and Linkedin!

Always happy to develop interpersonal connections and explore the complexities of human behaviors with one another. That is a very fancy way of saying don't be scared to reach out!

I have a coloring page and some multiplication tables due at 11:59pm today so I'm off to do that!
I might as well drop a proper introduction here I've been here since 2020:

I'm Yanrima, I usually go by that online alias. I'm actually a female so there's that.
I'm also Filipino-Chinese and I love video games, history, mythology, and art.

My favorite color is blue.

I also love 50's, 60's and 90's cartoons, especially Looney Tunes, Cartoon Network, and Hanna-Barbera ones.
I enjoy Nintendo games like Animal Crossing (obviously), Splatoon, and Kirby.

(I'm currently hooked on Splatoon. Love that game because of the lore and concept)
I'm Fae and prefer to go by that alias online than my real name. My favorite color is green, and I incorporate it into every single one of my outfits, usually being my shirt or dress. My dream is to raise various animals on a homestead somewhere in the country, but I currently work an intensive office job because it's the most efficient way for me to save up money to eventually get a house with land for my family and for my dreams to come true. I study nutrition as a hobby and have a very big emphasis on eating and living in the most natural and holistic way possible, and I've been able to reverse health problems in myself (and others) and dramatically improve my quality of life.

Pokemon and Animal Crossing are my most cherished games, and I've been playing them my entire life. It's hard for me to say which is more significant because they seem to have impacted my life in very different ways. Rowlet and Shaymin (Land) are my favorite Pokemon, and I actually don't have a favorite villager. I love to draw, but I'm not very good at it despite having done it for over 20 years. I like to draw my own Pokemon designs, and my favorite one is the Grass-Type starter that I designed which is a mossy crocodile that turns into a mossy draconic croc.

The four seasons are extremely important to me, almost on a spiritual level. I consider myself Pagan, although I don't follow it in any sort of religious way. We celebrate the Solstices and Equinoxes and decorate our whole apartment to match the current season. I also alter my wardrobe to reflect the seasons, although I still make sure to keep green the most prominent color.
I just joined and thought this would be a great place to start posting.

I go by Sprinkletracks, my best bud is Sprinkle and we've hung out through every Animal Crossing game. I still play them all, usually one is in my daily rotation.

I have a few hobbies. I play guitar, piano, and write, arrange, and cover game music with my husband. We also write music for indie games as a biz. I do instrumental versions as well for chilling and relaxing. I sew, and make plushies, bags, quilts, etc. I like creating and fantasy as an escape from reality. This world is too harsh for me.

I play a lot of games, I try to keep it at around 4 at a stretch of time. I'm more of a routine gamer tho, so it's ok, I schedule an hour for each game a day. I don't go crazy. I like routine. An Animal Crossing game is usually in all of my schedules. :)

Current line up: ACNL on steam for a change, Meg's Monster, FFXIV, Elden Ring. Just finished are Fire Emblem and Pokemon, and next on the list is the new release of Dragon Quest. I have a switch, PS4, and Steam.

The songs I release on my channel usually reflect what games I'm currently playing. The songs based on Animal Crossing are my favs and hit close to home because I consider my towns part of where I feel comfortable and feel at home and happy. They're usually instrumental, but I did write an original based on the shops closing theme called, "I'm Home."

I mainly socialize online, as I'm a bit shy in person. I love to share, and one of my favorite things to do is look at peoples game plays, art, and crafts. The creativity out there is amazing and I share better artistically than verbally.

Sorry so long winded, haven't been out of my cave for awhile. Nice to meet you all. I'm excited to give and get help on here, and share Animal Crossing feels.
For as long as I’ve been on the forums, I’ve shown my face but never introduced myself.

Hi. My name is Adrienne, but I go by Fae on the internet. My user sounds morbid, something younger me came up with in my tumblr days and it sort of just stuck for my online name.
I’m 24. She/Her. Chronically ill.

I’ve been playing the AC games since GameCube. Some of my other favorite games are Genshin Impact, Pokémon, Kingdom Hearts, and Stardew Valley.

If I’m not playing a game, you can find me making art. I’m a mixed media artist and work with several mediums. I love to share my work and see others. (Bell tree has so many talented users!)

My other hobbies include reading, watching anime, listening to crime podcasts, and napping.

I struggle with social anxiety, so I’m pretty awkward. Thus only commenting on things every now and then.
I sometimes disappear from here for long periods, but it’s always nice to come back to the same kindness every time. I’ve met lovely people here that I really do cherish.
I really like this thread as it seems like a good opportunity to get to know each other!

Hi! I am Angelica, but call me Angie. I have several usernames, but on forums I go by _confused_piplup_ . I am 22 and my pronouns are she/her. My main passion is Pokémon but I have a lot of love for the Animal Crossing series as well. I started playing when I was 7 wih my DS with Pokémon Diamond and I have never left the brand, despite a 4 years pause during high school. Animal Crossing has been a later love as I started playing New Leaf in 2019. Later in 2020 I bought the Animal Crossing edition Switch because I loved it and I started playing New Horizons and spent many many hours in the game lol. I play different videogames, but not many.

I have several other passions that I carry/try to carry on while I am living the busy life of a student. I like music and I used to play violin and plan to start playing it again next year, I love languages (I am from Italy btw) and I am trying to improve my English other than learning Japanese. I know some French too. I also write articles when I can for another forum and I am working on some sort of pokemon hack ROM. I actually am also a bit into technology and I am trying to learn more things about Linux. I like anime and some tv series.

I am very shy in person and I am a pure introvert. I like meeting more people online and wish to make new friends!
I suppose this is a chat thread of sorts. I had just recalled how I found this forum. I was a part of Smash Camp ages ago. Has anyone heard of it still going on nowadays, or did it discontinue entirely?
For those who don't know me:

Hello, my name is Remus, but you can call me Remy, and my pronouns are they/them. I'm lesbian, non-binary, and asexual.

You may only know me as pottercrossing, but you can find me as marblerobin pretty much anywhere else.

I love to write fanfiction, poems, and original lyrics. I mainly write fics about Harry Potter, Hamilton, or The Pirates of Penzance, and you can find me on FFN, Wattpad, Quotev, and AO3 as marblerobin, or some variant of it. As for the poems and lyrics, they tend to stray to the dark side quite a bit.

My top three favourite games are Animal Crossing, Minecraft, and Super Smash Bros: Ultimate. I've been playing ACNH since February 2021, and I STILL haven't finished my island lord help me. I started playing Minecraft in July 2022, and my hours played are only a few hundred from surpassing Animal Crossing. Nine hundred of those hours were spent on one singular server, but we don't talk about that. As for Smash Bros, I only started getting into it earlier this month, but I've already unlocked 15-ish NPCs, 10 in one day.

As for my passions in real life, I play the clarinet in my school concert band, and we have a big concert coming up next week. I also love musical theatre, and I perform every year with a local theatre company. I'm performing two shows with them next week, and then I have two performances for a school play (not a musical, unfortunately) two weeks after that.

I also love listening to k-pop and musical soundtracks. I mainly listen to Blackpink, aespa, and Straykids in terms of k-pop, and as for musicals, I listen to Hamilton, The Pirates of Penzance (which is technically an operetta but oh well), and SIX.
Hi everyone :3 I've been here since 2014 and I don't think I ever even made an introduction post.
My name is allainah, yes just like my username (pronounced uh-lay-nuh), im 26 years old, and a wannabe artist. I draw for fun when I can, I get art block A LOT. Hopefully soon I can open up a shop with my drawings <3 I just wanna make sure i'm not in art block as I don't wanna make people wait forever for a drawing.
My favorite food is creamed spinach inside of crepes.
I have two cats; Teddy and Luna, sadly Teddy has passed away as of march 30th, 2021.
I LOVE animals, I truly think having a pet is like having a child and will fight anyone who begs to differ.
I love horror movies but also Disney movies as of recent :~) my bff @A r i a n e has got me watching lots of Disney. Today I watch Moana for the first time ever 👏
My top games atm are; Disney Dreamlight Valley, Sims 4, and animal crossing NEW LEAF (not New Horizon, too much stress)
My top artist atm are Eminem, Juice Wrld, and CTS Luh Wick. ( I love rap mostly) but when not listening to rap catch me screaming MCR or a Disney song ;}
I’m a 29 y/o mum of 2 kids (P:6 J:4)
I still get ID’d for red bull (tf?)
I airsoft
I love football and formula 1
Avid gamer
Fave colour is pink
Obsessed with groot

And I think that’s everything