Wow, how crazy generous of you!
Are you still taking requests, I would really love Sydney ;A;
By the way, I'll keep a look out for your villagers, I'm gonna TT an unwanted villager out soon.
Your poor town AND Villagers. :`( I don't have any of your Dreamies but will keep an eye out and check my campsite frequently while I TT!
If you come across Purrl or Soleil I would love to have one of those.
Wow so nice of you! So sorry your town got corrupted Unfortunately I don't have any of your dreamies, I currently only have 9 villagers and I'd trade any of them for one of my dreamies
I would really like it if you could get Chrissy for me!If I ever find one of your dreamies ,its yours!
Edit:I didn't know Chrissy was one of your dreamies..O_O Sooo, if you find Julian,Flora,or Marshal,
I would be thankful.(hey, wasn't Marshal one of your dreamies?..O__O Oops)