Give your opinion of the above user.

Always so kind, positive and supportive. You are amazing and honestly forum wouldn’t be the same without you 💜
Yeah, I don't know a lot about you but I like how often you put a purple heart on your posts. Purple is my favorite color! 💜
I don't know much about you as a person, and I know you changed your name recently, but I think your art style is really cute, as well as your lineup right now!
Such a lovely person. Always sweet, kind and honestly the forum wouldn’t be the same without you 💜
I don’t know too much about you but I’ve seen you around for years and I’ve always noticed your cool collectible lineups 😊
You're a nice person and I really like your art style. Keep it up! :D
still feeling embarrassed over posting here without reading the rules the first time T_T
I know you're a massive Kieran fan and enjoy scarvio. You seem excited to try new things and you come across as kind. I've enjoyed reading the couple posts you've made in the happy thread, and I hope you're enjoying splatoon so far!! Have you been leaning towards a particular weapon?
Very friendly and supportive, it's been a pleasure to get to know you better! I always enjoy chatting with you. :blush:
You're really kind and sweet, and I enjoy seeing your posts! I haven't browsed The Museum in a while, but I remember your art thread and your art is really cute! I like it a lot!✨
One of the most positive, supportive members on here, I always love seeing you around 💜 Always cool to see another Australian on here, and I associate purple with you!
I'm not sure if it was you (forgive me if not), but I remember seeing a post in the 'what bothers you' thread that mentioned it being okay to post small troubles.

That was quite a poignant and beautiful post. Much praise for that. I'm sure it bought comfort to quite a few people.

Upon second check, it was you.