Give your opinion of the above user.

You seem chill. Also that character in your profile pic looks cool, whoever it is. Reminds me of Duon from Smash Bros Brawl (the one half anyway)
You also like Yoshi so you have to automatically be pretty cool.
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As someone who perceives The Bell Tree and Animal Crossing Community as rivals, I glad you’re able to manage accounts on both websites. Seeing you greet me in the latter (which I’m currently not active in) eased the anxiety I had when I first joined, so I thank you for that.

Overall, I think you’re quite swell, and your posts are interesting to read.
I think you have a great art style! It reminds me of Dog Man (which I’m aware has been said before).
You have a mature outlook on life. To my knowledge, you are still in high school but you seem a lot more mature than other people your age.

When you type in small text, I read your posts in the voice of a raspy crocodile.

aside from that snippet of information, your a pretty cool person.
I love your purple aesthetics and it's always a pleasure seeing you around the forum! I'm looking forward to TBTWC with you!