Giving up on your dreamies...

Totally feel you here! Ive been trying to find lucky but he seems to generally be popular and I don't have lots of nmts nor bells so it's hard to bid for him lol BUT do hope you will find marshal soon!! He could easily show up by chance or maybe somebody will you give you him people are generally pretty nice here
I haven't give up on any of my dreamies yet , I'm still going to play a lot to try and get them into my island.

But I guess I understand you , some people always have better bids than someone , and it's frustrating , but don't give up! Some sites have people offering villagers for low prices ,you just have to search good!
I gave up on obtaining my dreamie Judy. No luck so far with finding her and I cant afford to buy her. So if she shows up on a island, nice, but if she doesn't life goes on.
Don't give up! You will eventually found it, I got Raymond from a really nice person. Remember we hopefully will be playing for years, so even if it seems hopeless, don't give up.
I don't have dreamies. I always pick the villagers that would look best in the town
I don’t really have any planned dreamies, but it would be nice to see some of my favorites in the campsite or islands and invite them to my town.
Besides Ankha and Lucky, who I have Amiibos for, I have not really made a real attempt to get my Dreamies yet. It is nice experiencing new villagers.

However, I got Zucker and Fang through sheer dumb luck. I got Zucker in the first Island that I visited after accidentally putting down Ankha's house early (I did not know that Amiibos needed 3 visits to move in), and Fang moved into Ankha's empty plot after she asked to move and I gave her away for free (I can easily get her back).
I don't have set dreamies, I just go to random NMT islands and accept the cute villagers I find. Or I use the handful of Amiibo cards that I have and invite in the ones who I think are cuties.

Judy is sort of a dreamy, although I'm not actively trying to find her. If I come across her I'd be elated, but if not I'm still happy with the villagers I do have!
I was lucky to get Marshall as my first campsite visitor! I was so shocked and happy. I hope you can get him soon. <3
There are villagers I like, but there are no "Dreamies". Villagers come and go, like I said in a different thread, and what I get is what I have. In the worst case of a scenario, I simply use an Amiibo card and boot the unpleasant villager off my island, like I did with Ricky. But no, I don't have a Dreamy. In fact, it is like real life, you need to learn more of a person before you can say if you rather like them or not. This was something I learned with Hazel. At the first look, she was not really anything I had expected, but nowadays, she is a villager I really like.
I know how you feel OP. When I first started, I was so discouraged with the selling price for Marshal. I didn't know he was really popular. I was able to adopt him in a decent price in here. I felt like it was good timing too as well as the person who auctioning him doesn't mind the bidding price I gave them, for that I am very grateful.

I'm so glad some people here are willing to give the most wanted dreamies away free of charge. :) i hope you enjoy Marshal's company. I'm sure the wait is worth it!
It's easier said than done, but I wouldn't give up hope completely. I think people will start accepting TBT again eventually. And prices should, hopefully, go down as time goes on. I guess it's more just having loads of patience.

I would just keep an eye out and just save up tickets in the meantime.