6x03 is called "Jagged Little Tapestry"
Song List:
“It’s Too Late” by Carole King – Sung by Kurt and Blaine
“Hand in My Pocket/I Feel the Earth Move by Alanis Morissette/Carole King – Sung by Santana and Brittany
“Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/Head over Feet” by Carole King/Alanis Morissette – Sung by Mason and Jane.
“So Far Away/You Oughta Know” – by Carole King/Alanis Morissette – Sung by Quinn and Tina
“You Learn/You’ve Got a Friend” – by Alanis Morissette/Carole King – Sung by Rachel, Santana, Kurt, Brittany, Quinn, Tina, Puck, Quinn and New Directions
The alums decide to stick around another week to help out. Quinn, Puck, Brittany, Santana and Tina are on hand. Not Mercedes or Artie, though.
Kurt and Rachel come up with the idea of an Alanis Morissette/Carole King mash-up week. Kurt wanted to go classic, Rachel wanted something more modern and angsty. They compromise. The two continue to have power struggles. Rachel accuses Kurt of allowing his heartbreak to affect his work. She’s not wrong.
Jane, Roderick, Mason and Madison are members of the New Directions.
Becky, Quinn and Tina
Becky is still around too. She needs help with a boy. The others, including Sue and Roz Washington (she’s back!) worry because he’s not special needs. Tina and Quinn help in Becky’s quest to impress him. She lies about being in a slew of after school activities including the CPR society of America.
Beiste, Sam, Spencer, and Sue
Spencer wants a shot at being quarterback, but Beiste isn’t convinced. Sam champions Spencer’s ambitions.
Beiste is acting weird, and Sam and the team, including Spencer, are worried about her. It turns out she has a huge personal issue going on. Everybody, including Sue, promise to support her.
Brittany and Santana
Santana proposes to Brittany in front of the Glee Club. Brittany says yes. Kurt objects, due to his painful engagement and break-up with Blaine. They’re all too young to be married, he says. Santana tells Kurt off, pulling out every insult she can muster.
There is a very sweet scene, before the proposal, between Brittany and Santana. They lay in bed together in Brittany’s bedroom.
Blaine, Kurt, and Karofsky
Kurt runs into Blaine and Karofsky at the music store and they have a little awkward conversation. As they walk off, Kurt breaks into song. It’s a montagey duet between the two of them ensues.
Kurt apologizes to Brittany for his behavior in the choir room. She drops the news that Blaine and Karofsky have moved in together. She knows, because they asked her to decorate their new apartment. She gives him real advice. He should move on, date someone else. He takes her advice in, appreciatively, but continues to struggle.
Song List:
“It’s Too Late” by Carole King – Sung by Kurt and Blaine
“Hand in My Pocket/I Feel the Earth Move by Alanis Morissette/Carole King – Sung by Santana and Brittany
“Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/Head over Feet” by Carole King/Alanis Morissette – Sung by Mason and Jane.
“So Far Away/You Oughta Know” – by Carole King/Alanis Morissette – Sung by Quinn and Tina
“You Learn/You’ve Got a Friend” – by Alanis Morissette/Carole King – Sung by Rachel, Santana, Kurt, Brittany, Quinn, Tina, Puck, Quinn and New Directions
The alums decide to stick around another week to help out. Quinn, Puck, Brittany, Santana and Tina are on hand. Not Mercedes or Artie, though.
Kurt and Rachel come up with the idea of an Alanis Morissette/Carole King mash-up week. Kurt wanted to go classic, Rachel wanted something more modern and angsty. They compromise. The two continue to have power struggles. Rachel accuses Kurt of allowing his heartbreak to affect his work. She’s not wrong.
Jane, Roderick, Mason and Madison are members of the New Directions.
Becky, Quinn and Tina
Becky is still around too. She needs help with a boy. The others, including Sue and Roz Washington (she’s back!) worry because he’s not special needs. Tina and Quinn help in Becky’s quest to impress him. She lies about being in a slew of after school activities including the CPR society of America.
Beiste, Sam, Spencer, and Sue
Spencer wants a shot at being quarterback, but Beiste isn’t convinced. Sam champions Spencer’s ambitions.
Beiste is acting weird, and Sam and the team, including Spencer, are worried about her. It turns out she has a huge personal issue going on. Everybody, including Sue, promise to support her.
Brittany and Santana
Santana proposes to Brittany in front of the Glee Club. Brittany says yes. Kurt objects, due to his painful engagement and break-up with Blaine. They’re all too young to be married, he says. Santana tells Kurt off, pulling out every insult she can muster.
There is a very sweet scene, before the proposal, between Brittany and Santana. They lay in bed together in Brittany’s bedroom.
Blaine, Kurt, and Karofsky
Kurt runs into Blaine and Karofsky at the music store and they have a little awkward conversation. As they walk off, Kurt breaks into song. It’s a montagey duet between the two of them ensues.
Kurt apologizes to Brittany for his behavior in the choir room. She drops the news that Blaine and Karofsky have moved in together. She knows, because they asked her to decorate their new apartment. She gives him real advice. He should move on, date someone else. He takes her advice in, appreciatively, but continues to struggle.