Giveaway Goodbye Giveaway

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I hope you are aren't leaving because you feel out of place with some of your views compared to other users!

May we all notice in each other what makes us similar instead of only what makes us different. There is so much.

I hope that you are at least also leaving social media, which at least I consider much, much more toxic to the mind than forums! Good luck going forward!! 🍀
Goodbye Apples, we haven't spoken before I think, but I certainly saw you around, recently and back in the old days. You always seemed very mature and generous and it's sad seeing you go. I wish you the best in wherever you go next, and that happiness follows you always.

I made this rather quickly, I'm not sure how well they translate to being an avatar, but if they work for you, feel free to use them.

Goodbye Alolan Apples

We've never talked but I have seen your posts and I'm sure you're a very lovely person so it's sad to see you'll be quitting. The TBT community is one of the sweetest. You will not be forgotten.
It was great to get to chat with you while I could Apples, thank you for being a friend for all these years and- I guess- thanks for being here when I got back, it was great to see oldies still hanging around. You rock to your own tune and you have a great future ahead of you :)
Best of luck to you and your future endeavors! Its so admirable to give back to the community, thank you so much <3 I hope that you find happiness and everything you're looking for !
I don't think we interacted that much, but still sad to see a fellow TBT member and Pokemon fan leave!

Hope you are able to find what you are searching for out there!
I know the giveaway and entries are closed, but I just wanted to say goodbye all the same. It’s sad to see you go, but I’m glad you’re making this change for the better of your life. I wish you the best of luck for the future and I hope 2021 treats you as kindly as you have treated all of us. <3
The winners have been announced!





It’s been a fun giveaway, and a fun six years. As you know, I will no longer be on this forum. Thank you all for wishing me well as I go. Farewell guys!
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