• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Got my 3DS Yesterday!! AC:NL here I come!

If you really, really, REALLY like the pink, I would get it without the bundle. You can always save up and buy Mario Kart later.

I bought the blue 3DS XL last September, and have no regrets! I like it about the same as the pink. I think it is a really pretty color of blue.
Ohh I didn't know about pink either, Congrats:) I have to say im jealous of your PINK 3ds xl....and just wish I had waited awhile for the xl also. Id like to eventually get one and then let my bf play on my current 3ds because then I could make him play NL with me LOL but mine will do for now.

I wish I could force my boyfriend to play NL with me lol. There is absolutely no chance of that happening. My mom is going to get one though!
I havn't got one yet and I am debating over to get a red 3DS or a red 3DS XL

Personally, I find the red 3DS XL to be better. I recently got a black original 3DS and I am one of those people who can't stand to have anything covered in fingerprints, so I find it hard to play just about anything on my 3DS. (Except for the new demo of Fire Embelm: Awakening...) :cool:
I am one of those people who can't stand to have anything covered in fingerprints


There is basically no comparison in my opinion between the 3ds or 3dsxl. 3dsxl has a bigger screen/less glare/less fingerprints. The regular 3ds doesn't have any 1 ups on the xl EXCEPT maybe TINY pixel differences that are hardly noticeable.
I wish I could force my boyfriend to play NL with me lol. There is absolutely no chance of that happening. My mom is going to get one though!

Haha the chance is slim for mine too, he just said hed give it a shot but he has been bored with the past ones and doesnt even have a 3ds as of now :( but it be so fun haha. I want to get my mom to try out city folk so maybe she will want it too and the I can get an xl! (wishful thinking :p )
I'm waiting for the next XL bundle before i upgrade. Does anyone have an idea what it is or may be?
If you really, really, REALLY like the pink, I would get it without the bundle. You can always save up and buy Mario Kart later.

I bought the blue 3DS XL last September, and have no regrets! I like it about the same as the pink. I think it is a really pretty color of blue.

I'm going to guess this was directed towards me. I'm actually not fond of pink. I just like how the inside is white, as silly as that may sound. I'm a penny pincher, but I want to be able to look at my 3DS and like it.
Originally the pink 3DS XL was only going to be a limited edition courtesy of Gilt. After I read that I got all nervous and tried to think of options. Gilt is an online only store so I would have had to use something like Paypal to get it which can be risky and expensive.
After a while I sort of gave up thinking of options and figured I'd just go with the red and black one instead, being "close enough". Can live with those colours if I had to. And I was still constantly looking to see if it was sold anywhere else. I was following a hunch.
I was thrilled, however, one day when my hunch was right as I was looking online to see if it really was just an online thing and found it being sold at BestBuy! So of course I had to get that the next day, thinking it was still going to be a limited time thing. Turns out it wasn't, though... :p
Oh well! That was a good day anyway!
Haha the chance is slim for mine too, he just said hed give it a shot but he has been bored with the past ones and doesnt even have a 3ds as of now :( but it be so fun haha. I want to get my mom to try out city folk so maybe she will want it too and the I can get an xl! (wishful thinking :p )
I wish my boyfriend liked that sort of thing, too. Then we could play together, but he's not... Didn't even like the first one for GameCube. Got bored quickly. I don't blame him. It's not for everyone. Just like how he likes war-based shooting games and I don't. Same sort of deal there.
Some of my other friends, I don't think, are as obsessed with the game as much as I am anymore. They'll play them, but not for very long... And some aren't interested at all. Too childish of a game I guess is what they're thinking...
I have a question for you Bambi!
Is the 3DS XL comfortable in your hands? I had a lot of guy friends who got the DS Lite XL because it fit better in their hands.
I want a XL SO BAD, but I don't know how easy it is to hold. Also is it heavy? :p let me know
You should take a picture for us!!!
Wait we're in like the same exact situation!! :) I recently bought a pink 3ds (not XL though, but it's my first anyways) and Paper Mario to pass the time! It is pretty hard.. I just suck at games haha :p
And my boyfriend would never play animal crossing either </3 Although he got me a shirt with K.K. Slider on it for part of my birthday gift. Pretty awesome.

Anyways I currently have 0 friends registered... if anyone wants to exchange friend codes then please PM me or something!! :D
I'm going to guess this was directed towards me. I'm actually not fond of pink. I just like how the inside is white, as silly as that may sound. I'm a penny pincher, but I want to be able to look at my 3DS and like it.

I don't think that sounds silly at all. After all, when you are playing a game with it, you will have it open so the white part will be more obvious. And, when you are not playing, you probably will not be looking at it as much. You sound like a wise penny pincher, because you are thinking about what is important to you and where you do and do not want to pinch pennies.
I have a question for you Bambi!
Is the 3DS XL comfortable in your hands? I had a lot of guy friends who got the DS Lite XL because it fit better in their hands.
I want a XL SO BAD, but I don't know how easy it is to hold. Also is it heavy? :p let me know
You should take a picture for us!!!

Personally I don't find it heavy or uncomfortable in my hands but I don't have a regular 3ds so I have nothing to compare it too. For me having the bigger screen is worth any other cons with the XL.

Wait we're in like the same exact situation!! :) I recently bought a pink 3ds (not XL though, but it's my first anyways) and Paper Mario to pass the time! It is pretty hard.. I just suck at games haha :p
And my boyfriend would never play animal crossing either </3 Although he got me a shirt with K.K. Slider on it for part of my birthday gift. Pretty awesome.

Anyways I currently have 0 friends registered... if anyone wants to exchange friend codes then please PM me or something!! :D

Keep playing at it! It does get easier as it goes along :) There are also walkthroughs online that can help. I got stuck on a few parts and had to cheat :p

I would be your friend but I don't have wireless :( I'm sure you can find others here though!
Yeah, I know. I actually havent played AC for a while because i've been so busy with Harvest Moon 3D! (Married Neil,the key is a TON of Yak Milk.) I think i'll be good until March. Then I'll probably get Animal Crossing withdrawal...
Yeah, I know. I actually havent played AC for a while because i've been so busy with Harvest Moon 3D! (Married Neil,the key is a TON of Yak Milk.) I think i'll be good until March. Then I'll probably get Animal Crossing withdrawal...

Haha I know exactly how you feel. Only I'm getting the prequel to Zero Escape: Virtues Last Reward (which was amazing!!!) called 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors. It's in the mail. I'm playing City Folk to pass the time P:
I'm glad to hear you like the XL. I'm waiting for the AC bundle to get one myself, because I find the regular 3DS cramps my hand.
Wait we're in like the same exact situation!! :) I recently bought a pink 3ds (not XL though, but it's my first anyways) and Paper Mario to pass the time! It is pretty hard.. I just suck at games haha :p
And my boyfriend would never play animal crossing either </3 Although he got me a shirt with K.K. Slider on it for part of my birthday gift. Pretty awesome.

Anyways I currently have 0 friends registered... if anyone wants to exchange friend codes then please PM me or something!! :D

I'm playing Sticker Star too. It's good. I'm enjoying it more than I thought.