Grab the nearest book...

1 cup of margarine or butter, softened

Betty Crocker's Cookbook

... :p
"And when we catch up with our light-fingered blue skinned friend we'll be a step closer to achieving that," promised the Doctor.

Doctor Who: Judgement of the Judoon. By Colin Brake.
Then Aaron presented them as a wave offering before the LORD and made atonement for them to purify them.

NIV backpack Bible
I recognized magnificent rocks, hung with a tapestry of beautiful zoophytes.

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea ~ Jules Verne
'The Empire,' a voice declared firmly. Ben Kenobi had come in behind luke, and his attention was held by the emptiness ahead as well as the import behind it.

Star Wars Omnibus-Star Wars by George Lucas.

I swear i didnt buy it
He took some thin flat stones and builded a little fireplace, fired up and cooked the meat.

Eragon- Brisingr. Trasnlated it form Norwegian :p
Every summer we wonder what Maggie will do this year at the Sarsaparilla.

from LInda Goodman's Star Signs