Selling Great sale! Check out my extra items!

  1. TBT Bells
  2. Wishlist Items


A darle átomos!
Aug 12, 2016
100% (76) +
Hello! I’m selling some extra items I have in my inventory. 1 tbt per item. Here is the list:
Fish doorplate
Fish print
Marine pop wall x3
Fish rug x2
Fish-print tee x2
Fish pochette x3
Tackle bag x2
Fish umbrella x2
Fish wand x3

Frozen chair x2
Frozen table
Frozen arch
Frozen partition
Frozen pillar x6
Frozen sculputre
Frozen tree
Snowflake wall
Falling- snow wall

Festivale balloon lamp (all colors except rainbow)
Festivale stal (red)
Festivale flag (green)
Festivale float x3
Festivale garland (all colors except rainbow)
Festivale parasol (all colors except rainbow)
Festivale stage (all colors except rainbow)
Festivale lamp (all colors except rainbow)
Festivale drum (all colors except rainbow)
Festivale confetti machine (all colors except rainbow)

I will keep upgrading the list tomorrow!

Also if you don’t want to spend TBT on this I can change it for mushroom items, tables, stools, lamps, umbrellas, partitions, etc.

Well hope to see you soon! Ahí nos vidrios 😁
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Yes, it is available, I also include one basket of eggs and the fence, tell me if you still want it so I can send you the dodo code or if you want I can go to your town and delver the set 😁
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Selling the frozen set for 10 TBT. Also, selling the fishing tournament items for 1 TBT each piece
Fish doorplate
Fish print
Marine pop wall x3
Fish rug x2
Fish-print tee x2
Fish pochette x3
Tackle bag x2
Fish umbrella x2
Fish wand x3

Also if you don’t want to spend TBT on this I can change it for mushroom items, tables, stools, lamps, umbrellas, partitions, etc. You can change me a mushroom complete set for the frozen set.

Well hope to see you soon! Ahí nos vidrios 😁

I would like the full frozen set if you still have it please