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Mafia Greek Cultists Mafia: Cult Surrenders! Town Wins!

Did you even read my latest post? And wtf have you done all game?
Just realized I only did the first page of your posts, ****. I'm sorry. Will go back later tonight.

@Labelle if Trojan started out as Cult, then that guarentees 2-3 cult right now. Who would be the other one/two? Also, why did you clear Ness?

Also, if we go on the assumption that you get Influence in the reverse way than you would get Power (dont see how else it'd work), cult's got a lot of Influence from those three modkills. So we can't starve them of Influence, unfortunately.

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Oh, or was that just organizing claims
Top part is claims, bottom part is thoughts. I need to come back to Dad, Ender & N e s s when my brain is working properly.
I found out why clicking on those links brings me to the last page every time - you linked them by page number. The current page this is for me rn is page 22. Can you put the links so that they link directly to the post for Day/Night rather than the page number that they're on?
I found out why clicking on those links brings me to the last page every time - you linked them by page number. The current page this is for me rn is page 22. Can you put the links so that they link directly to the post for Day/Night rather than the page number that they're on?

I'll do it when I get to a computer
Just an FYI, I'm gonna be gone for quite a long time here, so if you've got any questions specific for me, PM me. I might be able to poke in between waiting for a few appointments I've got, but other than that.

I know a lot of you have stated who you think it is, but I'd like more elaboration on why. I'll dig through real quick and try to point out specific instances, but even if I don't list you, feel free to elaborate if you feel like there's room to.

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that means if there IS a 3rd cult, then Trojan/Labelle

Probably Labelle, tbh.
Why LaBelle over Trojan?

Welp I'm gonna go cast my vote for rune ^_^
About the doublelynch, it might be a good idea. Who out of the two (Belle and someone else can't remember and I'm on movie.)
Seem more cult-like? One thing I can say is that belle has been very quiet this game.
I'm assuming that means you think it's LaBelle? In that case, so has Dad, Ender, and Trojan. Why not them?

And thats basically it, i'd like to say the 2 people i find to be our prime lynch targets are JelloFish and Dad, i'd like to hear some defense from them however, i don't like jumping to conclusions.
Why Dad over Ender? Aren't they in the same category?

The other peasants
Runeraider - Basically confirmed scum
LaBelle - Hasn't done shiat

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Ness why are you buddying with Ender?
Same question as the one I'm sending Kit's way - Dad nor Ender have done much either. How is her being even more inactive a sign of cult?

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Also, little disclaimer: I think LaBelle is sus, trust me. But no one here's using explanations to back up their opinions, and I want to see people use their brain a little.
Eh, now that LaBelle has posted a decently sized post none of my opinions about them have changed. She just gave her reads on her three townreads which are people who are mostly clear (Kit isn't clear, but she's damn well close enough). And went on a little crusade against Trojan that's full of the word 'fluff', which seems like reaching considering he hasn't exactly fluffed up said posts, his positions against Kit and pillow bunny were logical seeing how poorly they played earlier in the game (and a little later in pbs case). Comes off as trying hard to have reads. Looking forward to what they have to say about Ender, Ness, and myself.
Eh, now that LaBelle has posted a decently sized post none of my opinions about them have changed. She just gave her reads on her three townreads which are people who are mostly clear (Kit isn't clear, but she's damn well close enough). And went on a little crusade against Trojan that's full of the word 'fluff', which seems like reaching considering he hasn't exactly fluffed up said posts, his positions against Kit and pillow bunny were logical seeing how poorly they played earlier in the game (and a little later in pbs case). Comes off as trying hard to have reads. Looking forward to what they have to say about Ender, Ness, and myself.

I like this post.

It's full of fluff.

My fluffiest mafia post ever, I know.

Also RIP mafia, you were fun when you were active.
Day Four

Day Four

In a shady back room in the capitol, a deal with the devil was underway. The Speaker of the Senate was in a room with an unknown individual, making a pact for control over the Senate.

"Now let's be clear." The guy said. It was impossible to discern any of his features, and it was evident that he didn't want to be known. "All you want me to do is step out of the way, and you will give me the Power to do anything that I want to do, independent of anyone, including the President?"

"That's right." The Speaker said. "You'll have the power to do anything you want in capitol hill. All you have to do is step out of the way of my group of Senators and vote with them. You won't be tailed or tracked, and you'll have more influence on the Senate floor. You'll be able to do anything you want. Just stay out of our way."

"Well then." He thought for a minute. It was against his principles, but it would allow him more freedoms and privileges within the government. "I accept your offer." He had reservations against the deal. It was certainly illegal and fraud. It could end his political career, as a best case scenario, if it was found out that this meeting took place. He would certainly face jail time if people found out that this meeting took place, but the offer was to good to refuse. Besides, he might as well reap the benefits of this deal now, before his refusal came back to haunt him in the future. The Speaker had found other ways to force cooperation from political rivals and dissidents. Most of them were illegal, but all of them unethical.

"Good." The Speaker knew that it wasn't smart to use their Power for personal favors, but this would make eliminating corruption from outside the government much easier. They thought that they had made the right choice, even if it left them in a significantly weakened position. There was nobody who could muster the backing to take the Speakership from them, and the power the position held. With almost no resistance left, the Speaker could do anything, with the approval of the President of course. However, they still felt skeptical about the proposal to let their Power decrease, even if it meant total control of the Senate and most of the Greek government.

The deal had been made, and it was a pact formed in hell. Made by a sinner and the devil himself.


Nobody died

Day ends in 48 hours
The deal had been made, and it was a pact formed in hell. Made by a sinner and the devil himself.

Sarasa is Satan and Jello is a sinner I knew it.

Also I didn't get turned last night, even though I was clearly vulnerable, so I don't think cult can convert? Or I'm of no interest to them anymore. :(
Ender had a point last night - my cop inspections allowed people to be lazy. So today, I'm not going to reveal my results right away. I will later, though.

Ender, how the hell are you alive right now? Vig shot you last night.

I have no idea.

I mean I didn't even get a "Hit and saved" thing.

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Better question. Why the **** was the Vig shooting me.

Yer radar is about as good as the mist last night.

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Ftr there was no mist last night, it's summer, if you didn't get my post.

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Also please tell me that was Jello giving money to the Vig.

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Also you don't need to respond to my pm now. Seeing as I'm the "Most suspicious" according to you I can understand why you wouldn't want to.

No but seriously, you by far seem like the most realistic N1 conversion canidate. You were against Oath from the very beginning, so getting rid of opposition is a logical thing to do. Additionally, you were falling below the radar, so it's not like people would notice some radical change.

Then there's Oath's vote, which looks like a ****ty Wifom attempt, so at first glance voting you would make you seem town. But Oath's smart, and I think he'd figure that out himself, so then it could be used as trying to make you look against him, therefore town, and if he's doing that as Cult Leader, then that makes you as someone who's allied with him, therefore cult.
You're right. Along with Dad, I'm one of the best N1 conversions.

That's some really ****ty wifom. Like, you're saying Oath's smart but also saying he tried to pull one of the ****tiest wifoms. That's two contradicting points.

To be honest, that wifom more looks like an attempt to indicate me as scum, rather than an attempt to indicate me as town. But sure, you can take it that way if you want.

I'm going to be proud of the fact that you think I'm actually able to fake our conversation on skype.

I don't really have a solid counterpoint to the logic and that frustrates me because it's wrong.

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On that note it's like, 1:40 am here.

I am going to find sleep and then find scum tomorrow.