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Mafia Greek Cultists Mafia: Cult Surrenders! Town Wins!

To be honest, that wifom more looks like an attempt to indicate me as scum, rather than an attempt to indicate me as town. But sure, you can take it that way if you want.
Exactly. I'm not saying it goes one or two layers in. I'm saying it goes 4 layers in.

1st) Initial town b/c scum is voting you
2nd) Scum because scum wants you to think the first
3rd) It's such a ****ty WIFOM, that it makes you think the second
4th) Oath, knowing this, tries to make it look like the 3rd.

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And hey, you're a really good player. I can't put BSing skype convos past you :p You did it with Endless, anyhow.

Plus, the main thing we talked about is the potential power of influence and if Dad's claim about using his money last night were legitimate. We didn't really talk about how the other players were suspicious.

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Also, Dad wasn't really falling below the radar, so he could have been a possible target for conversion protection. And if it was Dad, then his claim about using money's confusing b/c that's either saying cult can convert and choose a leader on the same night or something.

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And if he were cult, that wouldn't make much sense for him to fake b/c you're making cult appear more intimidating than it is, making town want to act more. Not to mention the fact that it could be disproven. And that him claiming he started out with money is kind of confusing otherwise.
Exactly. I'm not saying it goes one or two layers in. I'm saying it goes 4 layers in.

1st) Initial town b/c scum is voting you
2nd) Scum because scum wants you to think the first
3rd) It's such a ****ty WIFOM, that it makes you think the second
4th) Oath, knowing this, tries to make it look like the 3rd.

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And hey, you're a really good player. I can't put BSing skype convos past you :p You did it with Endless, anyhow.

Plus, the main thing we talked about is the potential power of influence and if Dad's claim about using his money last night were legitimate. We didn't really talk about how the other players were suspicious.

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Also, Dad wasn't really falling below the radar, so he could have been a possible target for conversion protection. And if it was Dad, then his claim about using money's confusing b/c that's either saying cult can convert and choose a leader on the same night or something.

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And if he were cult, that wouldn't make much sense for him to fake b/c you're making cult appear more intimidating than it is, making town want to act more. Not to mention the fact that it could be disproven. And that him claiming he started out with money is kind of confusing otherwise.

Okay, that wifom situation makes more sense than what I thought you were implying.

Yeah, but with Endless it was just reads. I was more talking about faking my whole confusion/messing up my own proposed possible influence thing.

Erm, at this point, it could sow confusion about what the cult can do, which is only in cult's favour.

Like, don't get me wrong, I've reviewed it and I think at least his Night 2 seemed legit. But I don't like his daystart today.

But don't try to say sowing confusion about how much power the cult can do with influence isn't cult-favouring. Even if it puts town on more alert it also sows paranoia and confusion.
What about the disproven bit, though? Seems likely that it could be found out he's lying. I can see what you're saying about the cult making things more confusing bit, but idk. That was more of a minor point than the fact than it could be disproven.

Tbh reads are harder to BS than the influence thing. You can base the latter on fact, and not come off as suspicious. Plus, it makes you appear a lot more town. Reads force you to make a quick choice that affects your stance for the rest of the game.
I don't get why I started out with money from the very beginning of the game if there's also a granny, since having money would make me a one night granny essentially. But I'm also not complaining about that.

I'm not sure shooting at Ender was the best choice and I don't get why that was decided on when it wasn't clear at all. But if Ender isn't cult then I'm glad they wasted their influence on that. I still don't townread him yet, especially considering he's leaning heavily on the idea that me outing I had money from the beginning of the game was done in order to sow confusion and was wine, but he does seem to have an air of uncertainty about him. And honestly I don?t blame him for wanting to assume that if he?s town. About that.

But don't try to say sowing confusion about how much power the cult can do with influence isn't cult-favouring. Even if it puts town on more alert it also sows paranoia and confusion.

When I told town I used my money the previous night yesterday, it was to make it clear that despite cult's loss of their leader they could still convert, and that they failed to up their numbers with me for the time being. I didn't know the leader was either passed to one of the remaining cult or that there were two+ to begin with, because Rune didn't flip until later. I highly doubt there were more than two, and considering I was openly vulnerable to being converted tonight and wasn't (which made no sense at daybreak), they can still cult but it costs influence - which was instead spent to roleblock the vig. I'm going off a ?there were two landowners to begin with? theory rather than a ?landowner role is passed to a remaining cult member? theory. This is because seeing how I'm not culted and vig got roleblocked, Dolby answering that earlier question about conversion and cult's loss of their leader with the word 'theoretically' makes sense - cult doesn't have a landowner for free conversions anymore. Because if there was a landowner left, why wasn't I culted when I was clearly vulnerable to it? Or more importantly why did he word his answer the way he did if the role just got passed to alive cult and that's how the setup goes? Because converting isn't free for them anymore.

tl;dr (this paragraph is a mess): Concluding there are no more landowners, and that there's a lot of evidence behind this.

LaBelle hasn't changed for me one bit, they're still quiet as ever and only giving easy and obvious reads, aside from their reads on Trojan which was basically her reaching by accusing him of fluff. Trojan was being logical if anything when he posted against Kit and pillow bunny. If Sarasa wasn't still alive I'd be willing to bet the lynch on her if I had to.

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Theres been no posts and I am dissapoint.

Impatient ninja.
I still don't townread him yet, especially considering he's leaning heavily on the idea that me outing I had money from the beginning of the game was done in order to sow confusion and was wine, but he does seem to have an air of uncertainty about him. And honestly I don?t blame him for wanting to assume that if he?s town. About that.

Like, don't get me wrong, I've reviewed it and I think at least his Night 2 seemed legit.

I'm not leaning heavily on it at all? My whole point was that Sarasa was like "No reason for this to be cult ever" and I'm like "No, Sarasa, this is very much a possible cult move."

I'm going off a ?there were two landowners to begin with? theory rather than a ?landowner role is passed to a remaining cult member? theory. This is because seeing how I'm not culted and vig got roleblocked, Dolby answering that earlier question about conversion and cult's loss of their leader with the word 'theoretically' makes sense - cult doesn't have a landowner for free conversions anymore. Because if there was a landowner left, why wasn't I culted when I was clearly vulnerable to it? Or more importantly why did he word his answer the way he did if the role just got passed to alive cult and that's how the setup goes? Because converting isn't free for them anymore.

It may or may not have something to do with influence, but it is not automatically passed on upon leader death.

I would like to point out that,

A. Landowner passing at death has been proven to be false


B. My theory up to this point is that it passed via use of influence.

Though I certainly hadn't thought about a 2 landowner start. I don't think that's the case, though.

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Hmm, so if not you, who'd he convert N1?

Trojan/Labelle is a good shot.
Dad said:
Impatient ninja.
You had hours to post that damn it. D:

Two landowner start... I never thought about it before. That could be it, but idk. We just don't have enough info yet.
That would have to mean they've used 3 influence actions so far - cult me, make rune a leader, roleblock vig. But why would they use their influence to roleblock somebody instead of make a new leader again if influence can be used to do that? That's if we're going to take Dolby's answer as 'they can make a new leader with influence'. Reading back in the context though, nobody asked him if that was the case, so that's a really specific statement and it does make sense.

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Sometimes I feel like Dad, Sarasa, and I are the only ones actually in this game.

And the one person on invis that's always browsing this thread.
3 theories on why they wouldn't.

They can do two influence actions in a night. (Cult/Make new Leader on N2. Roleblock/Make new leader N3)

Making a new Leader takes more influence and they didn't have enough to do it, so they roleblocked instead.

They can only make a new leader of one of the original cultists, and they started with 2. (Rune/Oath)

That's discounting things like them not even having roleblocked me, and Dolby messed up, or Vig forgot to send in action, or I have a secret vest.

This is all just a theory. A mafia Theory.

To be honest that was just me being silly. I mean, it's just as likely as the vig forgetting or the narrator screwing up. :D
Now I want to bring that one santa+fabricator setup to tbt.