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Mafia Greek Cultists Mafia: Cult Surrenders! Town Wins!

Day Five - Town Wins!

Day Five - Town Wins!

The Senate had the Oligarchs running around in panic. A doublelynch had been called by Sarasakat and their were rumors going around that it had been called because it was known who was an Oligarchs. Dad and N e s s soon decided to surrender. "It was the only way to survive," said Dad. "Surely the President will have mercy on us.". "The President who killed StarryWolf just to make a point! Are you mad!? We'll be dead in an instant!" Shouted an outraged N e s s. But Dad was quite persistent, and eventually, N e s s agreed to follow him. "To our deaths." He privately thought.

As they walked up the steps into the Corruption Investigator's and President's office, N e s s felt the shame and judgement of the Soldiers guarding the office. He felt around inside his pocket, and grabbed the Money given to him by the Speaker of the Senate, JellofishXD. "Maybe Money isn't the answer," he thought. "Perhaps I should live my life to the fullest potential and help the others around me.". He walked into Sarasakat's office, repentant, prepared to face his judgement, whatever it may be.

As they walked into the office of Sarasakat, they felt dread. Soon their dead bodies would leave this office, either dead or alive. It all depended on the judgement of Sarasakat. As they looked into his face. It was the face of an unforgiving madman. A man who didn't care about the lives of innocent citizens. They begged for mercy, and they received none from Sarasakat. They were soon executed, and their souls were souls were collected by Charon.

"Oh, both of these will be going to the Fields of Punishment," Kit said with a smile. "Seven souls have now been collected. Oath2order and Runeraider. Dad and N e s s. As well as the Senators, StarryWolf, EnderWiggin, and pillow bunny. Interesting though, of these seven souls, none of them will go to the Elysium. All will go the the Fields of Punishment or the Fields of Asphodal. I'll worry later, as I feel the call of Hades. I will come and answer your call my lord, and I have brought the seven souls required of me."

The mortal form of Kit dissolved and vanished, right in front of LaBelleFleur and Trojan. They were the only Senators to survive this bloody fray. Sarasakat and JellofishXD survived as well, and would be the only major politicians to survive as well. The four would be bonded forever because of this experience and the bloodshed that followed, yet JellofishXD, LaBelleFleur, and Trojan would always be cautious around Sarasakat for many years to come, in which he ruled, as they saw what was behind the mask, and they were terrified.

So Greek democracy survived the bloody fray. Sure there was carnage and horrible loss of life, but democracy survived. Or did it?

N e s s was a Corrupt Politician and former Soldier
Dad was a Corrupt Politician and former Senator
Both were executed after they surrendered
LaBelleFleur was a Senator
Trojan was a Senator

Sarasakat was a Corruption Investigator and the President
JellofishXD was the Speaker of the Senate
Kit was Charon and departed after collecting Seven Souls, to return to the
Lord of the Underworld, Hades

Town Wins!

Cult Chat
Observer's Chat
Action List

As to why the cult was given a second Cult Leader: it was to keep the game going. I know that I'm going to get a lot of criticism for that decision, and the Cult Leader being lynched early was what I was worried most about. In retrospect, I could've made replacing a cult leader an influence ability where the cost would be "n+2" (n being the day/night cycle theCult Leader died), but I was to worried the Cult Leader could be replaced to easily.
Why the change in cultists ability to use influence changed: My mistake, thought it said something else. I was copy-pasting a lot of stuff.
Why wasn't there a framing ability: I'm a dumdum

Let me know what you think of the set-up
Also, I didn't include profile links because my computer skills suck. Sorry N e s s :(
I also feel like complete s### about this game and how i screwed up plans. But oh well.
my god I've been meaning to say this what happened between these last few months you were pretty good this game

you posted more since the last game you were in and did stuff and i like it.

ty oathy :)
I plan to play better tho but like I almost got myself lynched on d1 so ehh it needs some work
to be fair my biggest flaw was i trusted people too much.

I leaked my role to dad without thinking it through and i got culted.