[Guide] Cycling & Cycling Towns ➝ (UPDATED 12/6/16)

Ah k ty! In between saves should I be running to the campsite to check it? It's been empty a lot- am I wasting time or is that worth it and what you're supposed to do?
I know this won't help you in any way, but an idea I had when I created my cycling town, which is now really helpful, was to place my campsite right behing my home, so I can see it right when my town is done loading. If you ever end up resetting, you really should do this. :)
it's up to you, if you wanna spend that time checking it, then sure c: but Pixr is completely right, having the campsite right behind your house is super helpful, so definitely something to consider if you ever reset!
So it's not like I'll miss Fuchsia if I don't check the tent? It's so much easier to load then start save and not run my butt all the way there. Hopefully she comes through in a house.

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Yup def going to reset. Using the town alrdy on this cartridge only out of convenience.

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Also can anything be done about the mail? I'm sick of on the second load, Pete lecturing me to empty my mail when I'm trying to rapid cycle here!
So it's not like I'll miss Fuchsia if I don't check the tent? It's so much easier to load then start save and not run my butt all the way there. Hopefully she comes through in a house.

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Yup def going to reset. Using the town alrdy on this cartridge only out of convenience.

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Also can anything be done about the mail? I'm sick of on the second load, Pete lecturing me to empty my mail when I'm trying to rapid cycle here!
I mean, there's a chance that you'll miss someone you want if you don't check the campsite, but if you cycle long enough they're bound to show up anyway! but that problem will be solved when you reset, because then you can just build it right behind your house.

and no, nothing can be done about the mail, sadly. it's probably birthday invites that are stuffing your mailbox, if your boxes day is close enough to a villager in town's birthday you'll get a new invite every time you cycle, it's horrible. D:
So yay! I reset my cycling town. The starting villagers had a dreamie- Pekoe! I cycle and she's first up! ok! I save after being told she's in boxes Aug 13th 10 am (my irl time was 10 om). I no longer TT in my main town (or as much) so I waited til Drake moved out this morning. I pop my cycle town into my husband's DS and don't pay attention to the date. It loads up and she's gone. Date is now 10/13 what! I didn't touch the date. My husband also disapproves of TT so he would never have messed with his DS clock. I quit without saving uselessly jic. Pop my cycle town into my own DS and date is magically back to August 13th without me changing it but damage is done and Pekoe gone (off to the trading plaza I go lol). What happened?! I checked husband's game (he has a digital copy) and it was at the current irl date because again he never TTs. My own main town is at current date. idk some kind of crazy random error? This is the 2nd time I've lost Pekoe to voiding- the first time the cycler accidentally did it when I was buying her from the plaza lol. Lesson learned; Always check the date. I wouldn't have touched the month because it's a new town and I was going day by day til someone was in boxes which ofc first up was the villager I wanted bah! I might buy a 2nd 3ds just to avoid switching cartridges out- Idk.
So yay! I reset my cycling town. The starting villagers had a dreamie- Pekoe! I cycle and she's first up! ok! I save after being told she's in boxes Aug 13th 10 am (my irl time was 10 om). I no longer TT in my main town (or as much) so I waited til Drake moved out this morning. I pop my cycle town into my husband's DS and don't pay attention to the date. It loads up and she's gone. Date is now 10/13 what! I didn't touch the date. My husband also disapproves of TT so he would never have messed with his DS clock. I quit without saving uselessly jic. Pop my cycle town into my own DS and date is magically back to August 13th without me changing it but damage is done and Pekoe gone (off to the trading plaza I go lol). What happened?! I checked husband's game (he has a digital copy) and it was at the current irl date because again he never TTs. My own main town is at current date. idk some kind of crazy random error? This is the 2nd time I've lost Pekoe to voiding- the first time the cycler accidentally did it when I was buying her from the plaza lol. Lesson learned; Always check the date. I wouldn't have touched the month because it's a new town and I was going day by day til someone was in boxes which ofc first up was the villager I wanted bah! I might buy a 2nd 3ds just to avoid switching cartridges out- Idk.
ugh! that really sucks. it sounds like for whatever reason your husband's DS clock was set to a different date, which would throw the in-game date off too. i have two DS's and I think it's worth it, as there's never any worry about this happening. it's a bit more of a risk if it's someone else's system, because there's never really a guarantee that they're on the right date. :c if pekoe pops up in any of my towns I will definitely let you know!
So yay! I reset my cycling town. The starting villagers had a dreamie- Pekoe! I cycle and she's first up! ok! I save after being told she's in boxes Aug 13th 10 am (my irl time was 10 om). I no longer TT in my main town (or as much) so I waited til Drake moved out this morning. I pop my cycle town into my husband's DS and don't pay attention to the date. It loads up and she's gone. Date is now 10/13 what! I didn't touch the date. My husband also disapproves of TT so he would never have messed with his DS clock. I quit without saving uselessly jic. Pop my cycle town into my own DS and date is magically back to August 13th without me changing it but damage is done and Pekoe gone (off to the trading plaza I go lol). What happened?! I checked husband's game (he has a digital copy) and it was at the current irl date because again he never TTs. My own main town is at current date. idk some kind of crazy random error? This is the 2nd time I've lost Pekoe to voiding- the first time the cycler accidentally did it when I was buying her from the plaza lol. Lesson learned; Always check the date. I wouldn't have touched the month because it's a new town and I was going day by day til someone was in boxes which ofc first up was the villager I wanted bah! I might buy a 2nd 3ds just to avoid switching cartridges out- Idk.

Oh I'm so sorry, that sucks. I can't help with the cycling aspects at all, but I highly recommend one 3ds/2ds per game. I've never had a random glitch like you described hapoen though I've changed my own date all kinds of ways I didn't intend to. I'll be more watchful of my date in the future in case that happens to me.
Oh I'm so sorry, that sucks. I can't help with the cycling aspects at all, but I highly recommend one 3ds/2ds per game. I've never had a random glitch like you described hapoen though I've changed my own date all kinds of ways I didn't intend to. I'll be more watchful of my date in the future in case that happens to me.

That cycler was me, lol! Maybe she will appear again and I'll save it for you Silk, if you still haven't found her. (unfortunately I don't cycle that often so it's a very very slow cycle...)

I realized that she was accidentally voided because of the AM/PM switch, since in ACNL the day starts at 6AM and not at 12 AM.

So it was showing AM of the night she was in boxes, but I thought it was the next day and went one day back to keep her, but she was gone :(

Pekoe is very cute and I hope you both find her.
Lol yup accidents happen and we learn from them. I'm thinking I might have adjusted the date thinking it was the time. A lesson to pay attention. I'll get Pekoe one day. Thanks all!
How do you get a villager to ping?
walking in front of them! :) if you've heard a rumor from another villager that someone is moving, but you can't get them to ping, save & quit and keep reloading the game until they do.
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finally got a chance to fix up the thread a bit, and i'm planning on rewriting + adding a few more things soon!​