Guide of Past Prices of Collectibles

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waluigi egg should b worth more imo considering I discarded 10+ and some are with inactive users
Holy crow, the prices have dropped so much.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I'm talking about the Halloween collectibles >.<
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I really hope that the popsicle inflation goes down soon. They're impossible to find now, cuz Team Popsicle has eaten them all!
Hi everyone!

My tenure with the "Guide of Past Prices of Collectibles" has been short, only since June! But after a lot of thought, I have decided to pass the task onto the next person who would like to continue maintaining the guide. My work schedule has become crazy busy, and while I intend to still be active on TBT, I know that I won't be able to give the attention to the "Guide" as I would need to keep it truly current, for the next few months. Rather than let the Guide become obsolete from lack of attention, I think it would be best to pass it on while it's still in good shape!

I am posting my resignation in a lot of threads, so if you are interested in taking over, please PM me your interest rather than posting. I will pick the next person within a day or two, then will work with that person to take over the thread.

It's been fun tracking prices, and I wish the next person much luck! One suggestion... I would change the word "Guide" to something different, like "Summary" or "Review" so that people will not follow it too rigidly. Thanks all!


(」゜ロ゜)」...extremely reluctant to see you go.
Sincere thanks for the wonderful service you've provided for everyone here,
not to mention the immense amount of work you put into this reference guide.

You have been truly amazing, and I wish you all the best in real life!!
thanks skyfall for all your work!!!!! good luck with your irl duties! i look forward to seeing who will take it over!
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