Guide of Past Prices of Collectibles

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i also posted this at Skyfall's BTHQ thread-

re her suggestion to change the name of this thread--maybe instead of "guide,"
just call it the "Report of After-Market Sales Prices of Collectibles"

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Thank you for everything, Skyfall, hope work won't be too much of a burden c:
Noo Skyfall! Loved this guide, but I'm glad it's not dyeing. Good luck with your IRL stuff~ I understand the pains of a busy schedule O.x
Aw, Skyfall! I'm sorry to see you go, but it's completely understandable! -Cough- The mountain of homework is still in my closet.. -COUGH- ..Anyways, thank you so much for maintaining this very helpful guide! Although I would love to take over, I just wouldn't how to figure out the prices and such, haha.
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Thanks everyone for the kind words! I'm sure the next person will have fun and do an amazing job... and then eventually pass it on too! Hopefully it just keeps on changing hands.

And thanks for all the "applications", I will consider and pick soon. Thank you!

(And last call for applications if you want to take over the guide. Will make decision tonight!)
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AWWW!! Thank you so much for taking care of the guide so far Skyfall!! You did an amazing job!! <33 Thank you so much for everything! :D
Thank you everyone for all the "thanks", it really warms my heart (and also, to see that all my efforts were not in vain!) :)

My tenure has been short, but I really enjoyed it, and enjoyed being part of the "Guide". I hope all of you will continue to help and maintain the next reincarnation of the Guide.

And Sholee will be the one to continue it! Sholee's been around for a long time, bought and traded just about every collectible there is, and more importantly, she's been around since the "beginning", that is, when the marketplace started getting crazy and the BTB exchange rate started getting nuts. So, she's seen trends for a long time, so her experience won her the job.

Besides having been around for a long time, she's also a generous member (she's given away literally tens of thousands of BTB), and a very even handed person, so I think she will be great for the job.

I'm not going anywhere, I will still be active here! But real life obligations dictate I must pass the guide, and I'm sure it's now in good hands. :)

Again, thank you everyone! I enjoyed getting to know all of you better and I appreciate all the help you gave in making this Guide awesome!

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