Guide of Past Prices of Collectibles

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The same person did buy the 2 pops at 4,000, so now, that's part of the upper part of the range.

So the last 5 sales were 1,400, 2,500, 2,600, 4000 and 4000. Whether someone wants to buy or sell in that range, above or below that range is up to them. This Guide's aim is to report the last few sales so that you can make your own decision on how to proceed.

Ohh, hmm. I agree the price has increased, but I disagree that 1 person is representative. Yesterday an auction fell apart when someone backed out of a bid of 2.9k because it was too high, and that person was a seller of one of the 4k popsicles.

I hope you don't think I'm arguing with you, I think the guide is a great reference overall, just saying my opinion!
Ohh, hmm. I agree the price has increased, but I disagree that 1 person is representative. Yesterday an auction fell apart when someone backed out of a bid of 2.9k because it was too high, and that person was a seller of one of the 4k popsicles.

I hope you don't think I'm arguing with you, I think the guide is a great reference overall, just saying my opinion!

No, no problem, I encourage discussion, I think it's always useful.

The guide reports the last 3 to 5 sales, straight up. That could mean the sales were, 1,400 and four 4,000 sales... or 4 1,400 sales and one 4,000 sales.

If you know which way the range falls (that is, are the prices clustered over on the low end or high end, etc.), you are always free to ask.

As you can already see, the range is not perfect because it does not always show how the trend is going. But, it's useful for figuring out the ballpark.

Also, one person often *can* affect the market. 2 people decided popsicles were cool and they single-handedly (for the first few weeks anyways) moved the range from 200-300 to around the 2000 range. It happens. One person (me) hunted yellow feathers hard at one point, and I moved that range up, resulting in an inconsistency between the yellow feather and other "common" feathers.

The thing is, even if it's one person or only a handful of people, once a bunch of sales happen at a certain price, let's say 4,000, sellers take notice and they no longer want to sell lower. So my view is that's useful to look at sales as oppose to sellers or buyers.
Bought pokeball for 21k

( payed more because its the only 2015 one, but idk if that effects the guide price?)
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lol the scandal ball
wash your hands after playing with that thing
I dont have that information, It happened before I joined I believe
Thats all I know! :)

Yeah there was a problem with the pokeball a while back, i wouldn't want to get into it though, it doesn't even really matter anymore honestly.
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