Hello. :}
Yes, very helpful!! I'm just going to say my experience even though I am new to this in case it is helpful.
You've said this in answers to people's questions, but I would edit the first post a little to talk more about friendship level perhaps? for a while I thought if I ignored someone they would move faster, but that doesn't seem to be the case with a villager you already were friends with and then are TT-ing. It seems to work if it's a new villager who you introduce yourself ONLY to but don't talk to further. EX: Bella I was friends with for a week or two, so the friendship thing was started. Hazel moved in after her. I knew immediately I didn't want to keep her so per another guide, I introduced myself but did not talk to her at all after that. She pinged to move pretty easily, but once I started TT-ing I could not get Bella to move since I was thinking I should ignore her like Hazel. I think the difference is that Bella already had a friendship with me? Not sure exactly. Once I started befriending Bella again, it took a good day and a half of me TT-ing and friending her and sending her mail, etc, but she finally pinged.
What I did after a while of experimenting… was to tt 4 days, talk to EVERYONE. I wrote down a list and checked off when I talked to them to make sure that I got everyone. If no one pings, I tt a couple hours later, try again, and if no one pings then then I tt to the next day (the 5th day) Everyone says not to tt to the 5th day… but I think sometimes due to MYSTERIOUS things they don't ping until 5?? I dunno. I didn't loose anyone but I was very careful that no one was pinging on the 4th day. This is probably a lot riskier than going 3, 4, sometimes 5… instead I went 4 sometimes 5. but I was getting so tired of doing it nonstop for a few days trying to get Bella out…. *_*
Once someone pings and I told them no, I wrote down the date so I can't mess up and tt-d 4 days forward again and so on.
If there is an event, I tt-d one day at a time through it and carefully talked to people.
I think you already said this… but… Sometimes villager A will tell you B is moving, but B won't ping… TT to a different hour of the day until they ping. Or try the diving trick. Villagers don't seem to ping or talk about others moving when they are doing stuff like fishing or shopping.
It seems like sick villagers don't move and that it can sometimes screw up the ping process of other villagers? I'm not sure exactly.
It probably saves time to not have things in your pockets that they will ask to trade about.
Perfect! thank you for this! <3