Guilt over kicking a villager out


eternally unorganized
Dec 2, 2014
Yellow Candy
Orange (Fruit)
User Title Color Change (Seashells)
So last week, Joey finally moved out of my village, and Bettina immediately took up the plot (she was evidently voided by a friend). I don't hate her, I really don't; however, I have chronic migraines, and her color palette is genuinely painful to look at for me. So, I caved and bought an amiibo for one of my dreamies (Gayle) to move her out. I'm currently on day 2 of persuading Gayle to move in, so tomorrow is when Bettina will be kicked out. I'm happy about this.

Now, though, I feel extremely guilty, because the game decided to make me feel awful: I came home after visiting a friend's island, and there was Bettina, in front of my house, watering my golden roses for me... :cry:

Anyone else ever had this sort of thing happen where the game coincidentally makes you feel terrible for kicking someone out or not wanting them?
I thought you were going to say it was Joey you were having guilt over....cuz not gonna lie, when you go to say goodbye to a lazy and they tell you 'I don't know where I'm going yet, but I guess I'll find out.'...kinda rough.
NGL, I really miss the little goober, even if I wasn't a fan of him. I hope he's ok out there...
So last week, Joey finally moved out of my village, and Bettina immediately took up the plot (she was evidently voided by a friend). I don't hate her, I really don't; however, I have chronic migraines, and her color palette is genuinely painful to look at for me. So, I caved and bought an amiibo for one of my dreamies (Gayle) to move her out. I'm currently on day 2 of persuading Gayle to move in, so tomorrow is when Bettina will be kicked out. I'm happy about this.

Now, though, I feel extremely guilty, because the game decided to make me feel awful: I came home after visiting a friend's island, and there was Bettina, in front of my house, watering my golden roses for me... :cry:

Anyone else ever had this sort of thing happen where the game coincidentally makes you feel terrible for kicking someone out or not wanting them?
Don't fall for her tricks. She knows the score and you think you'd feel awful until you go through some ten other villagers trying to get her to want to move again. She'll duck having to leave with all the fury of Arnold from The Running Man movie if you give her the chance.
I felt horrible after replacing Freya with Vivian, because Viv had a better house exterior, but I really like Freya.

Freya even said she was shocked that she had to move out. :(

Now I just tell myself they aren't real, and I have to quit feeling guilty, as there are RL problems to deal with.
NGL, I really miss the little goober, even if I wasn't a fan of him. I hope he's ok out there...


Yeah,he's ok.Whenever I move a villager off of my island I know that somewhere out there that villager has a home on someone else's island and that makes it a bit easier to let them leave.
I had the biggest amount of guilt when I kicked Coco out so I could make room for Muffy. I had coco since I had first started playing but sometimes her eyes would just creep me out haha and I wanted that thicc gothic sheep
I change around a few of my villagers quite regularly as I have a list of villager photos I'm trying to obtain and am still trying to decide who'll become permanent, a few times this has led to random move ins and I try not to feel bad booting them back out but I did fell guilty booting Murphy and Bertha. I hadn't been looking for Murphy when he randomly moved in but he very quickly grew on me and I kept him around for longer then I'd intended, even picking up his photo, and I felt bad later getting rid of him as he'd become such a loveable villager. Bertha was hard as she is quite a sweet villager but not one I'm overly interested in and I'd already had her much earlier on in the game so when she moved in a second time I spoke to her a couple of times and then ignored her till she got the thought bubble to move away, then felt bad for not treating her as well as the others villagers.

I felt horrible after replacing Freya with Vivian, because Viv had a better house exterior, but I really like Freya.

Freya even said she was shocked that she had to move out. :(

Now I just tell myself they aren't real, and I have to quit feeling guilty, as there are RL problems to deal with.

Fortunately I haven't had this dilemma yet but I would've found this decision really difficult too, Freya and Vivian are two of my favourite wolves and I'm looking for them both but I already have 2 permanent snooty villagers, I'd be willing to have 3 as I like the personality but I couldn't go to 4 and trying to decide which one to leave/get rid of is really hard.
I've only ever been stuck with one truly bad villager (Beardo) and I didn't feel bad for getting rid of him. I really want Goldie now though and I feel super bad for getting rid of one of my villagers, Phoebe, even though I'm not a huge fan. I feel your pain aha :(
I honestly don't really care if any villagers move out. I used to have this mindset where if I got all 10 of my dreamie villagers then it would feel complete. However about 3 months later I the villagers were getting stale and boring to be around. So it was time for me to let some of them go. Now I know this is going to be controversial to what I'm going to say but hear me out. Its important to understand that when you finally get the villager's photo it means you finally reached their high friendship so you have something to remember them by. So when you feel like you're getting tired of seeing them then its time to let them go and have someone else move in just to keep the island fresh with new villagers.

Now granted I did feel some guilt after letting Marina go because she's been on my island for a long time but at the same time since I got her photo I decided to let her go so that way I can have someone else on my island. I know people want to stick with villagers they have been looking for which is fine there is no problem with that. Its just that for me whenever I feel like villagers on my island are getting stale because they've been around for so long it tells me that its time for a change. So yeah I am more open minded to having new villagers on my island instead of just restricted myself to only having 10 I want forever on my island.
I always feel bad moving out a villager, whether it's someone I've always loved or even someone I despise! Everytime someone in my town asks to move out, even someone I was considering letting move away, I get all frantic and hesitant, haha. I always struggle to bring myself to say yes! I definitely take solace in thinking that they're just off island hopping on their own now (even though I know they really got sent to the void).

Once toward the beginning of the game, I was in the process of trying to get Goldie to move out and I stopped to chat with her between attempts to get the "I'm thinking of moving" thought bubble to appear above her head, and she said one of the cute dialogues about loving the island and being happy to live there and it made me so sad I stopped trying to move her out until she mentioned it on her own. 😭

I've begun moving villagers I love out just so I can enjoy some new faces every now and then, and I have to say I haven't done it much because it makes me so sad having people leave! I love this idea though:
Whenever I move a villager off of my island I know that somewhere out there that villager has a home on someone else's island and that makes it a bit easier to let them leave.

and from now on that's what'll make it easier for me!
I don't recall any instances of feeling guilt over kicking a villager out. I've definitely felt regret about letting villagers go on a few occasions because I liked them or realized I liked them more than I had thought, but I didn't really feel guilt about it. They're just cute animal game characters, there are hundreds of them, and any two of them with the same personality are more or less the same "character" in terms of dialogue.
I always feel guilty. It's okay though. I think the game is kind of designed to do that to ya, lol.

I actually used to feel really bad in NL for bullying, so I stopped and just kind of went with the flow of letting them move out when they asked. x.x
I haven't had issue with that in NH, mainly because the only moving I did was temporary scans in order to get rid of starter houses. I knew that the villagers were only "housesitting", so it wasn't a big deal.

I felt a lot of guilt in NL, though. Rocket plunked down, and had to go, but I felt bad when she asked to leave. Same with Hazel. I was getting villagers I absolutely loved, but I hated telling them to go ahead and take off.

My NH villagers are all permanent, and I immediately squash any thoughts of them leaving.
My starter was Agnes and after seeing Plucky on someone’s island it was love at first sight, Immediately after telling Agnes to move I felt bad even though I didn’t care about her. Then the day she was moving it was her birthday so she didn’t get a party. : (
I felt terrible until Plucky moved in lmao she’s so much cuter.
I definitely understand this feeling, and I think the game is designed to make you care about the villagers.

I think there are two ways to play the game:

1. Taking what your villagers say and do as sincere and not thinking about how the mechanics of how the game works (I think this is how Nintendo intends for the game to be played). Inevitably, playing this way will ultimately affect your emotions. I think it's a big part of why the game is successful - because people care about their villagers.

2. Understanding that basically everything in the game is determined by RNG. This may ruin the immersion for some, and most of us put this out of our minds when playing, even though we know villagers actions and decisions are based on RNG than their own desires. If the villagers are watering our flowers, it's because the game just randomly decided to put them there. If a villager asks to move out, it's because the game randomly selected them to ask - not because they want to stay or leave. It's usually not fun to think this way all the time, but it can be helpful to remember if the game is making you feel bad about something.
I'm kicking maple, Harry, and Eugene off my island and now that I've made up my mind, they are all my favourite villagers.

Thing is, maple has always bored me.
Eugene I thought I wanted but after 1 day I know was not a right fit.

Harry... Harry I actually love

The only time the game has made me feel bad though was when I got rid of Erik.
He said something, that is hard to explain but relates to something that means a lot to me and have a tattoo of. That earnt him an extra month on the island.
it's weird because i replaced maple with tybalt today and i actually didn't feel bad in any way about letting her go
maple has been on my island since september or october (whenever i restarted) so i'll obviously miss having her but i'm not as upset as i thought i'd be

this is probably a good thing because now i know i can easily move out my other villagers without getting sad about it lol
it's weird because i replaced maple with tybalt today and i actually didn't feel bad in any way about letting her go
maple has been on my island since september or october (whenever i restarted) so i'll obviously miss having her but i'm not as upset as i thought i'd be

this is probably a good thing because now i know i can easily move out my other villagers without getting sad about it lol
Well the reason you're not upset is because Tybalt is the best villager in the whole game :D