Shop Gulliver/Arr, Redd, Models,Wedding items, NMT for TBT, free crafting service for any DIY in the game!,Cataloging/Ordering service!

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  1. TBT Bells
In-game name: Marijke
Island Name: Wonderland
Item(s): 2x mom's embroidery, 4 birthday cupcakes
Payment offer: 12 NMT?
Pickup or drop off: Whatever works best for you. 😊
In-game name: Claire
Island Name: Toby
Items: Mom's art
Payment offer: 4 tbt (if you want more just lmk!)
Pickup or drop off: I'm fine with whatever you prefer ☺
In-game name: Claire
Island Name: Toby
Items: Mom's art
Payment offer: 4 tbt (if you want more just lmk!)
Pickup or drop off: I'm fine with whatever you prefer ☺
Hi! So I have to do something for a little bit so I won't be available to trade for a couple hours, is that ok?
In-game name: Luna
Island Name: Coupeachie
Item(s): Sinking painting
Payment offer: 50 TBT :)
Pick up or drop off: I can pick up now if you're available!