Shop Gulliver/Arr, Redd, Models,Wedding items, NMT for TBT, free crafting service for any DIY in the game!,Cataloging/Ordering service!

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  1. TBT Bells
In-game name: Oliver
Island Name: Mochi
Item(s): Stego Torso, Veil (pink)
Payment offer: 15 TBT

(Sorry if this isn't active anymore!!)
In-game name: Oliver
Island Name: Mochi
Item(s): Stego Torso, Veil (pink)
Payment offer: 15 TBT

(Sorry if this isn't active anymore!!)
Hi! It's active in the sense that I still update it, however I was right about to go to bed. Is it alright if we trade tomorrow?
edit: If not I can absolutely get on real quick!
In-game name: jo
Island Name: lumi
Item(s): 1 x Mom’s tea cozy
Payment offer: 5NMT
Pickup or drop off: pick up

thank you!
In-game name: jo
Island Name: lumi
Item(s): 1 x Mom’s tea cozy
Payment offer: 5NMT
Pickup or drop off: pick up

thank you!
In-game name: Peace
Island Name: Peace
Item(s): birthday cupcake
Payment offer: 2 nmt?
Sorry about the late reply, both of you go ahead and pm me when you're free!
Would you be interested in trading your Lunar Surface and Starry-sky wall for my Windflowerfan and 3 other DIY recipes from my trade list?
Would you be interested in trading your Lunar Surface and Starry-sky wall for my Windflowerfan and 3 other DIY recipes from my trade list?
Sorry! You don't really have any other DIY's i'm that interested in and I would really prefer to sell the Celeste DIY's instead of trade anyway.
Sorry! You don't really have any other DIY's i'm that interested in and I would really prefer to sell the Celeste DIY's instead of trade anyway.
No worries, I understand. Thanks for your reply.
In-game name: Reesa
Island Name: Kanto
Item(s): Wooden Stool DIY
Payment offer: 2 NMT if you feel that's fair? :)
Pickup or drop off: Either is fine!
Any Notes: N/A

Thanks so much. <3
In-game name: Reesa
Island Name: Kanto
Item(s): Wooden Stool DIY
Payment offer: 2 NMT if you feel that's fair? :)
Pickup or drop off: Either is fine!
Any Notes: N/A

Thanks so much. <3
Awesome! I'm not home currently but I'll send a dodo when I'm home!