Shop Gulliver/Arr, Redd, Models,Wedding items, NMT for TBT, free crafting service for any DIY in the game!,Cataloging/Ordering service!

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  1. TBT Bells
In-game name: Atrio
Island Name: Atrioverse
Item(s): Pagoda
Payment offer: 10TBT?
Pickup or drop off: Pickup preferably 😅

Edit: Oops sorry i couldn't tell if you're online or not 😅
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a bit steep for me, usually find models more around 10, but i do understand if its because unlike others you don't really want to get rid of them. would u do around 10 for the stick though?
Of course! Will you be free in about 30ish minutes? And you are correct I don't really want to get rid of them...

edit: I'd also be willing to do 10each for the stags as well!
Of course! Will you be free in about 30ish minutes? And you are correct I don't really want to get rid of them...

edit: I'd also be willing to do 10each for the stags as well!
so the 3 stags and stick for 40 tbt? sure

30minutes works well, am on my secondary character right now who does not have internet access