Shop Gulliver/Arr, Redd, Models,Wedding items, NMT for TBT, free crafting service for any DIY in the game!,Cataloging/Ordering service!

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  1. TBT Bells
In-game name: OwO
Island Name: Valkyrie
Item(s): Garden Wagon, Manga-library wall, Natural Garden table, Natural Garden Chair, Shell arch DIYs
Payment offer: 10 NMT

In-game name: Chris
Island Name: Campbell
Item(s): Cherry rug, Log Pack, Log Stool, Peach Hat, Pear Hat, Shell Bed, Tree Branch Wreath, Wild Log Bench
Payment offer: Bamboo Partition and 100k IGB?
Yep! The shell bed is already taken though!
In-game name: Isabelle
Island Name: Lonalulu
Item(s): dala horse, cherry rug, pear rug, log wall mounted clock, gold bars
Payment offer: 300k?
In-game name: Lilith
Island Name: Poveglia
Item(s): Kaffiyeh, Turban (purple)
Payment offer: 20 TBT?
In-game name: Martijn
Island Name: Tynsterdam
Item: Stonehenge
Payment offer: 10 NMT
In-game name: Martijn
Island Name: Tynsterdam
Item: Stonehenge
Payment offer: 10 NMT
Really sorry about the late reply! Stonehenge was already bought by someone else!
In-game name: Lilith
Island Name: Poveglia
Item(s): Kaffiyeh, Turban (purple)
Payment offer: 20 TBT?
Really sorry about the late reply! The purple turban and the black Kaffiyeh were both sold, I do have a red Kaffiyeh tho! That is if you're still interested
Really sorry about the late reply! Stonehenge was already bought by someone else!

Really sorry about the late reply! The purple turban and the black Kaffiyeh were both sold, I do have a red Kaffiyeh tho! That is if you're still interested
That's fine thanks for the reply!
How much for:
Statues warrior & beautiful
Paintings wistful, twinkling & moody

Payment in NMT also have blue monster