Shop Gulliver/Arr, Redd, Models,Wedding items, NMT for TBT, free crafting service for any DIY in the game!,Cataloging/Ordering service!

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  1. TBT Bells
In-game name: Maso
Island Name: Nightshade
Item(s): signpost, wooden stool, doghouse, gong, flower stand
Payment offer: 3 NMT?
~Put some prices down for certain items and categories!~
~Added some more categories and items!~
~Put down a rough schedule of when I'll be online accepting orders!~
~I am only accepting TBT and NMT. However TBT takes priority!~
In-game name: Lisa
Island Name: Sakura
Item(s): Pagoda, crescent moon chair DIY
Payment offer: 30 TBT
IGN: Armani
Island name: Minimo
Items: Shell fountain, Star Pochette, Mums wand, Nutcracker
Payment: NMT
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IGN: Armani
Island name: Minimo
Items: Shell fountain, Star Pochette, Mums wand, Nutcracker
Payment: NMT
May i also add a crafting service for the Tree-Branch wand?
IGN: Armani
Island name: Minimo
Items: Shell fountain, Star Pochette, Mums wand, Nutcracker
Payment: NMT
How many are you offering? The mums wand, the star pochette, and the nutcracker are all 15NMT each. The shell fountain is whatever you think is fair.
IGN: Charlie
Island name: Rainbow
Items: Log Chair, Log decorative shelves, log round table
Payment: 10tbt let me know if not enough :)
In-game name: Taiyou
Island Name: Crescentia
Item(s): Katana, Nutcracker, Mom's cake, Mom's embroidery, Cherry blossom branches (craft)
Payment offer: 50tbt