This one's a pickle tickler. I disagree with completely eliminating guns, but I think gun control could work if we did it... right. My suggestions?
- Have an intense background and criminal background check, and anything that connects to violent history/criminal record automatically disqualifies you unless you appeal.
- Make getting a gun/gun permit more like how one would get a driver?s license, which means:
- a permit to learn about it
- course includes an exam with 18 or more questions on the policies, laws, and the rest of the stuff on guns and
gun ownership
- if you get more than 8-10 questions incorrect, you have to take it again
- thirty hours of practical experience at a gun range with a licensed and experienced teacher
- Must take a five hour class on the dangers of guns and how to use them safely, which will then give you a certificate that grants you to take the practical exam and the certificate lasts for about one year. If you don?t gain the license within the allotted year, you must retake the class.
- A practical exam with a licensed instructor who will grade you on various skills on use. If you pass you may be granted a permit on the weapon of your choice, the exams may differ on the type of firearm you want.
- Follow the Japanese model where you must have two gun safes in different areas of the house, one to store the gun and one to store the bullets and you must provide the police with information on where those safes are. (They seem to have a good model, so far.)
- No concealed carry, and only handguns may be allowed to be out in public.
- If one is transporting a weapon, it must be in the trunk of a vehicle, in a bag or type of case, safety on and unloaded, and may not leave the vehicle until the user is at the destination.
- If someone's a hunter or some other gun hobbyist that requires a functional weapon other than a handgun, then the gun must stay on the premises, whether that is a gun range or some facility.
- If you live in a rural area where police and people are few and far between, something akin to a deer hunting rifle should provide plenty of protection from predators and poachers, you still have to follow the steps above.
This entire list is something I conjured up two years ago and made some minor changes to on a word document, so it's pretty short. Now this prolly doesn't cover
everything, but it's a start.
Since I'm more in the left wing circles I'm gonna say some extra things that I've heard from comrades of mine.
Point one: "The revolution should be armed."
Yeah... but conservatives/rightwingers/whatever feel the same way about their idea of a revolution, and either side is always going to be quashed by the military or police - citizens do not have the firepower capable of contesting them.
Point two: "Marginalized people should own guns for self-defense."
Thing is, it?s been shown like
repeatedly that "self defense" arguments hold no water - yes, even among marginalized groups, the presence of a gun heightens abuse and murder likelihood, not prevents it. But marginalized groups - particularly people of color, particularly black people - have to also deal with the fact gun rights don?t work the same for them; whether "self defense" is determined depends heavily on what privileges you hold (or don?t hold), so you know, it?s a nice idea on paper, but it doesn?t work out in the real world, where marginalized people aren?t allowed to defend themselves no matter what laws exist that supposedly protect that right.
Just for an example out of many.
Point three: "It's dangerous for the police and the military to be the only people with access to guns."
This almost makes the suggestion that we should let regular citizens have literally everything the police and military uses, and I?m not sure how anyone can think that sounds like a great idea. I agree that the police and the military are out of control, but I dunno if anyone's ever noticed, but civil war and violent, hostile takeover isn?t really a solution for crap. Maybe we forgot this while being cushioned in our privileges here in US while other countries have lived in a state of war for decades - war?s not pretty or heroic, what we?ve seen so far in hate crime statistics and bigoted rallies is nothing compared to war.
I'm assuming a lot of this is coming around via tankies and stuff because of this one Marx quote: "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary." But that's another story.
Buuuut bottom line, I think gun control isn?t simple and straightforward like many assume it to be. This should be paid more attention to.