I normally try to avoid breeding with ditto, thank you.
Just as a follow-up to this, unfortunately a male Pok?mon with a Hidden Ability cannot pass on a Hidden Ability when bred with a female that doesn't have the Hidden Ability. So yeah, unless the female parent has it, the Ditto
will be necessary.
Edit: Upon thinking about it and finding this post of mine redundant and having misinterpreted what you meant, I figured I'd come back and contribute something else.
Since you said you haven't kept up with the ball retaining mechanics, in Sun & Moon and Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon it works like this:
A male and female of different species will always pass on the female's Ball
A male and female of the same species will have an even 50/50 chance of passing on either Ball
Anything that can breed, whether male, female, or genderless, will pass on its Ball when bred with Ditto
The only Ball variations you can't pass down are ones that an individual Pok?mon can't normally be caught in through normal play in any games in the series, Master Balls, and Cherish Balls. Master Balls and Cherish Balls default to normal Pok? Balls.