so, halloween is in a few weeks and i see people, including me already getting ready. halloween always makes me hyped and i don't even know why! anyways, how do you feel about halloween? do you like the hype? do you hate it? i wanna know!
Latest additions being sugar skull oil burner and fairy lights.
I'm hyped up for Halloween. Not to a party and give out candy, I'll stay home and put those please take one candy bowls. Then do no candy in there with a notes that says...
"Life is full of disappointment"
Ok, I won't be that evil, but I'll just stay home and play ACNL.
Halloween is my favorite holiday so it cannot be too hyped for me. I don't celebrate it like I used to, though. When I was a kid, I always loved dressing up and going trick-or-treating around the neighborhood with my friends. My birthday is the day after Halloween, so I'd also usually have a Halloween themed birthday party.
When I got older, I still loved to dress up but I would either take my younger brother out trick-or-treating or pass out candy at home. Eventually, kids stopped coming to the house, though. Most parents don't let their kids go around the neighborhood anymore or if they do they go before dark. I see a handful of kids walking around while I'm driving home from work and walking my dog, but they're all gone by the time I'm ready to give out candy.
So now, Halloween is just a great day to chill at home, watch scary movies, and celebrate the holiday with my villagers in Animal Crossing. But it's still a great holiday and I love it.