Happy Father's Day!

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I refuse to pay more than store price. I'm still trying to save up for one freaking hammer, because I have to buy from a scalper :c
You guys are f-in vultures -_- I'll be at this all day just trying to get one.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Rip me :l

I'm really shocked at how high they are compared to the mother's day carnations though. You'd think the pink would be more valuable, but I guess not o:
I'm really shocked at how high they are compared to the mother's day carnations though. You'd think the pink would be more valuable, but I guess not o:

*Internally weeping* Carnations are bae. I love them in game. They look like roses, but I can put them in my hair, and I like them more than roses tbh. They're so detailed and pretty.
If anyone has a few they would sell for shop price I would love to buy 6, I cant be on all day, my great grandparents are in town today, they only come down once a year, so PM me if you will
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God, my phone is so slow. Literally the only chances I'll get today are during the car rides to and from my grandfather's house. I'm screwed -_-
Red is the color of rage, blood, and my face when I miss a restock. :)
nvm bitterness cancelled because pechue is a sweetheart<333

as a random note I saw a pic of my dad on fb today and realized it's actually been a few years since I saw him in person and he has old man hair now, it gave me a bit of a shock. Happy fathers day yall
Y'all are gonna kill my phone if I can't get a red Carnation. I'll be refreshing constantly.
Finally got one in a trade!
I can now rest in peace and now stalks giveaway threads and good prices :p
Welp I have to get off, great grandparents are here for the first time since 2014 christmas and they take priority, sorry carnations, hope I can get one of you later
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