Giveaway Happy October/Halloween [Winners Announced: Thank You for the Support!]

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October 3: I like doing it but it's so hard and makes such a mess.
October 3: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

I love it! But that's mostly because pumpkin carving means pumpkin bread is soon to come~
October 3:

I've never actually carved a pumpkin before! My family has this plastic jack-o-lantern we bought from Target that lights up if it's plugged in, so my parents opt for that. They've never been the parents that like to get festive for holidays. It looks really fun though! I have a number of things in my head I'd like to try carving into a pumpkin.
October 3: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

I've only carved 3 pumpkins in my life. It was fun but can get quite messy. Most of the time, the seeds were baked :)
Oct. 3rd

I used to really enjoy it, but I became extraordinarily lazy after entering high school :p Now I just think it as messy and too much of a hassle.
October 3rd

I used to love doing it as a kid but we don't buy them anymore because my mom hates halloween and I'm not a fan of it any longer.
I cannot remember if I did in fact carve a pumpkin before, but I know I've been around it. I remember having to take out all the goo stuff and it was pretty gross. I think I would enjoy carving one if I had to. :)
I've never actually carved a pumpkin, but it looks really messy so I don't intend on doing so!
October 3: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

Of course! It's like a tradition in my family.
Congrats to the last winner! :)

I've never actually carved a pumpkin, at least not by myself. I never really thought about it! Now I'm wondering how I managed to go so long without doing it would be a really dumb thing to have on your bucket list, so I think I'll just get it out of the way this year. XD
October 3: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

I do. But I hate the mess it makes. :p
October 3: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

Yes, I love carving pumpkins although I hate scooping the insides out!
I LOVE carving Pumpkins :3 It's one of my favorite things about Halloween x3
October 3: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

I have gotten the use to carving one last time, but maybe. It depends on the tools, inspiration, motivation and time.
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October 3rd: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

Almost as much as I love taking the seeds out and roasting them. Delicious.

Congrats to Feloreena!
I do not enjoy carving pumpkins, but I love carved pumpkins:) My older sister has serious art skills, so I think she's always outdone my in the pumpkin department by virtue of age and talent. Perhaps that has had a lasting effect.
October 3: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?
A3: Yes I enjoy carving pumpkins. Mostly like gathering the seeds and roasting some crunchy salted pumpkins seeds in the oven. :)
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