Giveaway Happy October/Halloween [Winners Announced: Thank You for the Support!]

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What's your least favorite thing about Autumn?

Hmm... Probably those days when you leave the house and it is freezing, but in the middle of my time on campus, it's incredibly hot. It's impossible to dress appropriately for weather like that. x.x
My least favourite thing about Autumn?
My least favorite things about fall is that I don't like when the leaves are on the ground because I don't like the smell of them, and I don't like how there's all that halloween junk in almost every store :p
My least favorite thing...

Schools starting and with work happening it's exhausting. Oh let's not forget yard work with the leaves :/
Least favorite thing about fall...When its cold and rainy :(
There's just something so depressing about soggy wet leaves.
I have to agree that the worst thing about autumn is the tacky halloween stuff in the shops. (You don't need to enter me again, I just thought I'd share :))
my least favorite thing about autumn is that sometimes its hecka cold in the morning then its blazing hot in the afternoon like can you not
Least favorite thing about fall.. hmm..
Everything's dying haha, slowly.
That and Halloween; Halloween makes me feel so old, and also in my town, nobody really goes trick or treating anymore :c
October 2: Question: What's your least favorite thing about Autumn?

A2: I guess for me, it's knowing what's coming after fall. I wish we could just roll right into spring and skip the bitter cold
October 2: What's your least favorite thing about October?

Erhm, nothing really; but if I had to choose, not being able to wear my nice clothes! Either It's too dirty outside to wear them, or It's freezing cold. ><
Least favorite thing about Autumn is when it rains and the leafs get wet and squishy :c I really enjoy crunching the leaves :p
October 2: Question: What's your least favorite thing about Autumn?

When it starts to get dark early, when people or advertisements start another holiday early and pests from this season.
What's your least favorite thing about Autumn?
Kids coming over to trick or treat,I live in a dead end and close all lights....So its pointless.
October 2: Question: What's your least favorite thing about Autumn?

thankgiving. why do i celebrate food eaten a long time ago.
My least favorite thing about autumn is:
The leaves fall and I have to rake them.
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My least favorite thing about Autumn is when the leaves start falling off my neighbors trees and they all end up stuck in our yard entangled in our fence. And we don't have any trees :mad: Anyway, thank you :)
My least favorite thing about autumn is not getting to see my friends as much. :c Summer ends and everyone goes back to school.
This is awesome of you! :D

My least favorite thing is sick people. They are everywhere. They cough on you and sneeze on you. No one knows how to properly cover their faces when they're about to explode all over you. And the children...oh the sick children, with runny noses and boogery faces and hands. I spend a lot of time in autumn just ducking, covering, running, and generally pushing people away from my personal space. I wish I could have one of those Star Trek force fields/shield bubbles all around me. Step into an elevator with a bunch of people, activate force field. :p
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