Giveaway Happy October/Halloween [Winners Announced: Thank You for the Support!]

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From posts 60-120, the random winner is Feloreena (post #93)! Congratulations!

October 3rd: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins? (Feel free to share memories as well. :) )
I enjoy carving pumpkins. I carved one during art class then painted it.
October 3rd: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

I do very much! It's so much fun carving random stuff into a pumpkin and then throwing outside for others to enjoy. :)
(Even though I seem to scare children with my designs >.>)

Last year we had our pumpkins out until April...
October 3rd: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins? (Feel free to share memories as well. :) )

I've never done it before, so I can't say if I like it or not :)
October 3: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

Never done it before, but it looks fun!
October 3: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?
OH YES. I carved a pumpkin last Halloween, for the first time, and I LOVED IT. I was in Rome with my best friends, it was so great.
We made this!


IT'S A PUMPKIN-PUMPKABOO. LOOK AT IT! Come on it's adorable.
And they smell sooo good too!
Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?
I don't know. I've never tried it. It does look very fun (and hard), though.
(Going to enter up until I do the prizes :3)
October 3: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?
I've never done it but it seems like fun...and incredibly hard! d:
I would like to enter please

Do I like carving pumpkins? I do and I don't.. I hate getting messy but I love seeing the pumpkin after it's carved
October 3: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

I vaguely remember doing it as a kid.. think I enjoyed it. At least, it seems fun.
October 3rd: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins? ehhhh kinda?? coming up with a design and all is fun but taking out the gunk sucks.
I don't like carving the pumpkin myself but I love the end results of them. I tried to carve my own when I was younger and couldn't finish because the insides of the pumpkin grossed me out too much. I just let someone else do the carving now, lol. They always look so neat, especially when the light's glowing inside them at night.
October 3rd: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

I've never done it before... so i'm not sure~ :(
October 3: Question: Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

YES, me and my family do it every year and it is just a tone of fun :3
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