Has anybody ever said you were too old to play Animal Crossing?

Yup. I bought Animal Crossing for my Gamecube the very day it came out - I was 19 at the time. And when my mom saw me playing the game and talking to her about it with such joy, she finally let out "I don't understand. It looks like you are way too old to like a kid's game".

Nearly 18 years later, I will be first in line to get it when New Horizons launch for the Nintendo Switch.
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Not exactly that. But, some people find it hilarious that I still play. I think if I were to introduce them to the games, they'd become hooked.
nope ! but I do believe that no one is ever too old to play video games, especially acnl
Yup. I bought Animal Crossing for my Gamecube the very day it came out - I was 19 at the time. And when my mom saw me playing the game and talking to her about it with such joy, she finally let out "I don't understand. It looks like you are way too old to like a kid's game".

Nearly 18 years later, I will be first in line to get it when New Horizons launch for the Nintendo Switch.

That's the spirit! I'm happy you remained yourself!! :)
I don't tell any of my friends that I personally know that I play ACNL. Before I came onto TBT nobody knew that I played ACNL except for my family. It's just because I fear of them judging me I guess. The reason I joined this forum is that I knew nobody would judge me because it's a forum for people who play ACNL and everybody loves it.
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Yes, I'm a guy (Young adult) so people are going to consider it weird. I imagine you girls playing, people are going to consider it normal.
No, I?m lucky that no has! In fact for my 17th birthday I got a copy of Wild Word and an DS Lite.
That 13 years ago! (And now I fell old :p:()
Yes, some people commented about that in the past. Fortunately for me, I don't share that opinion. Their words define the speaker--does not define me. It is a fun game series and I'll play whatever I wish.
Well, I'm a woman so any game I play is an offense to some people I know. I've heard "you shouldn't be playing games anymore" ever since I was like 15, so that definitely hardened me and allowed me to play whatever I like because people will judge me either way. Animal Crossing is like halfway too feminine and halfway too childish. I mostly get **** for it from male peers who only play action games. I shared my interest in the game with a male counselor once and he just said "that sounds nice". Different people different perceptions I guess. I think gamers and non-gamers alike wonder what the point of it is.

My parents on the other hand mocked my interest in gaming when I was like 17, but by now they just want me to be happy with things I enjoy. They never refused to buy me consoles or games for holidays/birthdays, but it took a while for them to understand that gaming is a broad form of entertainment that can be enjoyed by every kind of person. Now my mom loves puzzle games and my dad loves quiz games. Neither of them would ever play games with walking mechanics though... "what's the point?"
Nobody has ever said such a thing to me. I was in middle school when the first game came out and everyone was playing it. Second game came out in high school and every was playing it. City Folk came out while I was in college and while I didn't see many people playing it, nobody ever said anything. New Leaf came out while I was a working adult and every break I saw people pulling out a 3DS to play.

So yeah, nobody in my age groups ever criticized me or anyone I know for playing it.
Nope. I generally only every get "Animal Crossing? What is that?" said to me.
No ones ever said it to me but my older brothers whenever they ask what I'm playing sort of laugh a bit because it is very me to be playing a game with adorable animals lol.
I get it all the time.
Other people don't have to understand what makes you happy. If it bothers the person that you get joy from something so harmless,
let them be bothered!
Thankfully not. My husband (the only person whose opinion actually matters to me) is super sweet and accepting of my game choices, haha. He doesn’t really “get” it (he’s more of an Overwatch guy) but he asks about my towns all the time and is doing his best to learn the names of all of my favorite villagers. It really goes a long way to have that kind of support right at home!