has anyone else not uploaded a dream for their island yet?

Nope, and I probably won't anytime soon. My island is nowhere near finished, I only started it less than a month ago!
i thought about uploading one (and have since bulldozed my entire island... lol) but decided against it because i have younger siblings who have residents with their real names on my island and didn't want that out there.
I have uploaded a dream and created a DA but I haven't shared the code to anyone other than my close friends. I'm kind of scared people might hate my island. It's nowhere near perfect so I'm not sure I'm ready to share yet, you know? I'd really like to, though! I'm just too much of a scaredy cat! 😂
I haven't done it yet because I don't have an online membership to do so. And when I finally get a chance to do so, I'd just upload it anyway regardless of the look of my island because I'm not bothered at all to make it spiffy.
Not that anyone could find it anyway unless I gave out the code, but it just doesn't feel right uploading it unfinished.
I haven’t uploaded mine. I usually don’t upload unless I feel like my island is mostly complete. It’s what I did with new leaf :)

I have a long way until completion.
I didn't for a long time. My island isn't ready, it's overrun with too many flowers, so I just never did. However, a couple days ago it was kinda foggy and the atmosphere looked perfect and I JUST moved my rocks to one special spot so I felt it was time.

Haven't shared it with anyone tho.
I haven't either- I just can't get to a place where I really like the look of it enough 😂 I'm getting close, though! I'm setting up a cute little harvest festival on it right now (I TT, so I'm currently getting November DIYs to use) and it's going to be really adorable and perfect :love:
I haven’t because (1) it is not finished (2) I am just too lazy. If there is any incentive to do it, I might ...
I haven't uploaded it yet because there were furniture dropped all around my island when the dream suite first came out and I didn't want my dream to be just a bunch of stuff lying around. I've been slowly decorating but the entire stretch of land on the right side of my island is just a giant flower dump. I don't think I'm uploading it anytime soon, but I really want to someday in the future.
i haven't, my island is no where near finished yet and i have a mess of items and flowers around that need organising.
I haven’t because (1) it is not finished (2) I am just too lazy. If there is any incentive to do it, I might ...

Did you know that every time you upload your town you get a dream bell voucher worth 5,000 bells?
I haven't uploaded a dream address yet and probably wont for a while. I am taking my time to fully complete my island like could I make one now yes but only really the front part of my island is complete so it looks nice but as soon as a player goes down to the cliffs of my island it would just be trees :(
I haven't uploaded a dream for my island and most likely won't, since my island is a mess and probably always will be, lol.
I haven't uploaded a dream yet and doubt that I will, but it's not impossible that I might change my mind. I never really utilized the Dream Suite function much in New Leaf, only using it a few times to visit some towns for forum events here in the past, and never uploaded any of my own towns. Now, in New Horizons, it's a combination of a lack of inherent desire to share and my island terraforming not being particularly intricate and well crafted like some others out there since I basically just worked with what the game gave me. People seem to like my island when they visit and tell me as much, and I think the theme of my island is kind of fun and not something that's really utilized much, but I don't know, uploading a dream has never struck me as something I'm interested in.
I haven't yet, because I'm still not finished with my island aha. at my current pace it might take a while before I do, but I'm in no hurry anyway :')
I will only update for a dream address once my island is finally presentable. The island has a mystery/adventure theme. Its still in the works because I need the right artwork (looking at you Redd) for my island's riddle