Hated Villager?

Most hated Villager? Going to have to be Elvis. I really don't like the jock types, and he isn't even really interesting to look at.
Octovan. I think that's his name x) But he's the only octopus in the game. I hate him because he's rude and hateful -.- But he moved! :D
Octovan. I think that's his name x) But he's the only octopus in the game. I hate him because he's rude and hateful -.- But he moved! :D

"Octavian". There's also a female octopus in WW and CF. She's pink and her name is Marina.
I like Static and if Chow is the panda bear in the gamecube version, I like him. I think Chester looks a lil cute, but I probably at least a lil tired of the kind of animals that work out or are jocks. I would like another normal or sweet and caring animal at one point. Phyllis is not the nicest but it is interesting to see what she is muttering to her self lol! I do not think I hate any of them. That fox that has the store where you need a referal thing is probably one of my least favorites. I think his name is like Crazy Redd or something like that. I never do the fortune teller thing so she is also one of my least favorites.
Dude, use the "Edit" button the next time you decide to multipost.

What do you have against Crazy Redd? I get a real painting from him almost every week.
You serious?
Phyllis is my favourite!!

I don't have anything against Crazy Redd except he sells forged paintings. And he just can't be trusted. But I would like to become a member of his thing.
The only one who I seriously disliked was miranda. Sometimes the snooty villagers are ok but she was... not tolerable. My favorite type of villagers on the other hand will always be the lazy villagers! I always get the funniest conversations from them, I swear :D
I hate Miranda! She's always lying to the peppy villagers about me doing something mean to her and makes the peppy villagers scared of me! I want to bury a pitfall seed outside her door next time she does that.:mad:
Oh boy here we go. First I hate Kabuki.
Kabuki on flea market day came to my house and just stood in one spot. Wouldnt buy a thing for more than 500 bells.
Then there is Pudge who couldnt decide to move or not for about a month.
But Kody is a cool guy, so is Stitches. Stitches lived in my town since the first day I got the game. :D
Most of the snooty ones such as Queenie and Opal. My most hated would have to be Tabby. If you don't know her, she's probably the ugliest villager of the whole series. She's a cat with huge teeth that wears a leaf on her head.