Have any plans for your warp pipes?


Bring on the rain ☔
Feb 28, 2020
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Toy Duck Plush
Candy Easter Egg
The Warp Pipes are going to be so nice with their ability. I am super excited about them because it will make travel faster. I will probably put a bush infront of mine to make it fit-in with my island though.
With it's ability, it does open up windows for island design. You can make an area practically "inaccessible" or hidden from sight and use the warp pipe for transportation. You can block off a room completely in your house as if it doesn't exist and use the warp pipe that is somewhere else far away to land in that hidden room that doesn't exist. When doing a project, you can set up your pipes so you can go between your house and project area faster.
Do you have any plans for the warp pipes yet?
I know not everyone is liking the pipes for their island theme. What other means of transportation would you like to see/prefer?

How Warp Pipes Work
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I'm going to use them to get between my house and the area I'm decorating faster. In the end I'm going to put one hidden behind my shop or the residential services and the second on top of my third level cliff behind a tree. There's only one spot for me to catch clifftop fish on my island and there's no way to get up there with a ladder.
I heard that the warp pipes will be random so if you put more on your island it will go to random areas. I plan on putting one by my home and one close to the airport.
So excited for the pipes. It depends on how many we can have. I’m hoping we can have a few. I plan on putting one by my house and at least near my campsite. I might put one near my secret beach or near where I am terraforming at the time.
I heard that the warp pipes will be random so if you put more on your island it will go to random areas. I plan on putting one by my home and one close to the airport.
oh that is interesting!! I will have to find a source and throw it in the main post.
My island designs are usually open enough that I can normally get around pretty easily. So I probably won't have a need for them. I think linking my house to the resident services though might be useful.

So excited for the pipes. It depends on how many we can have. I’m hoping we can have a few. I plan on putting one by my house and at least near my campsite. I might put one near my secret beach or near where I am terraforming at the time.

You can have as many as you want, but the exit will be randomly selected.
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oh that is interesting!! I will have to find a source and throw it in the main post.


Only plan I got is to hide a pipe behind my house and have another one hidden behind the ruins where the secret beach is to make shady art deals.
That's a cool idea, I might do the same. I could recover the space I'm using right now for an incline.
The pipes are so awesome. I hope they can be customised. I'll probably put one at the top and near the bottom of my island so I can get around easy.
Maaaaaybe one in the bedroom of my house. Sounds like a bit of a security issue though, good thing we're on a remote island :p
I have my museum and shops located quite far from each other, so I’m gonna hide one behind the museum and one behind Nooks so I can quickly travel to the shops after getting the daily fossils identified :D
Holy shart i didnt know we could place more than 2. Also didnt know they could be inside?? Thats awesome. I’m gonna need a lot of time to plan lol
I'll probably use them to get to my house, since I've been having some problems with that. It's hidden behind Resident Services, and originally, the plaza was surrounded by a river you had to jump over to get to the house, but villagers would sometimes sit in the one spot where that worked, blocking it. Now I don't have the river anymore, but that means villagers can just wander back there.
oh man I didn't know we could have multiple! at the moment my only solid plan is to put one on the secret beach, so I can get rid of the ramp there and my museum entrance can once again be symmetrical (sacrifices had to be made previously). other than that I'm not sure and I'll probably see how it goes - maybe another by the entrance just for convenience?
I plan to use to pipes to travel to parts of my island that are hard to access or far away. The possibilities are endless, really! I was thinking that if I have people over for Redd or turnips you could have it so they can get there and back super fast. I'm thinking that daily use, though, would be for me to get from my house to the shops super quickly.

My friends have discovered that you can in fact have more than two pipes on your island but that you will come out of a random pipe. That's definitely an interesting development for those who have multiple uses in mind!
My island designs are usually open enough that I can normally get around pretty easily. So I probably won't have a need for them. I think linking my house to the resident services though might be useful.

You can have as many as you want, but the exit will be randomly selected.
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Thank you very much. I will probably place three permanent pipes and get one last one for when I work on different areas.
Thinking about the things people are going to do with the warp pipes (simple mazes, puzzles, or narrative adventures in DAs?!?!) is making me SO excited.

Also, I just separated my island's 3rd story cliffs into two halves, and now I don't have to be mad that you can't put a bridge between cliffs without water. 😎
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