I'm probably gonna put one near my house and one near the shops/RS, purely for convinience. atm I have no creative ideas on how to use them but it'll be interesting to see what people actually do with them when the time comes!
I plan to put one by Nooks and one near my flower beds. Make it easier to sell all those flowers. Might be useful for fishing tourney's as well. Have to see how they work first.
I no longer need to live near the shop for convenience, so I'll move my house to a scenic location and use the pipe to warp. I'll hide them behind a cliff and Resident Services, so that they don't stand out.
They don't fit my "theme" at all, but I'll set up a temporary pipeline to the two player houses in the top corner of my island. One of them stores all my materials and going back every time to store things is a pain.
If we had different designs, I would totally make a hidden room.
I think it'd be cool to have a little island or something that could only be accessed by the warp pipe :O I'll need a lot of space to make it look good though I think.
Hm, I guess it depends on the loading time/ animation time? I will use two if it takes too long and three if it doesn't.
I would have preferred that the pipes had an order depending on the order that you placed them rather than a random destination, but I am still pleased to have them.
My house, shops, and airport are all conveniently close, so I am definitely putting one behind my house and on my secret beach. And if I use a third, I will put one behind my museum.
i am going to immediately link it from my house to my shopping district for the mornings.
ahhh but for design purposes,, i dont think it would fit on my island as its a kind of rural/urban city, but i can see it being used in more fantastical ones, like fairycore, for magical portals ? thats really the only thing i can think of for it
I was going to put one near my house/airport and the other on my secret beach for easy access... but tbh I might just put them on the cliffs where I would have put an extra incline if I hadn’t used them all up
I want to have a little hidden area somewhere that is only accessible through the use of warp pipes other than that I might just try to make moving around my island faster and have one on opposite end of the island
My island’s lore involves a kingdom that used underground passageways connected by wells. If only the Mario series had warp wells instead of pipes, lol.
I’ll either use them to get to the secret beach, or hide one in my basement so visitors can finally get inside it, since the entrance is blocked by jail bars.
not sure yet, but i feel like i want to make one to be able to warp to my beach really quick. i could hide one behind my house so that i can warp to my house really quickly if i wanted. i do just like them as design though.
I love the idea of the pipes, and will most likely get them, but I don’t know if I will use them. To me, it adds an industrial touch to my island, and I don’t know if I would like that.
If so, it's a little redundant, as the only reason I'd use a pipe is to replace an incline, but using a ladder to reach a pipe, to get to a place where I'd only need to use the ladder, and not the pipe AND ladder, would be pointless, so I'm hoping you just ascend the pipe by clicking on it.