Have any plans for your warp pipes?

I'm gonna make a travel hub to get between places as quickly as possible
For the moment, my only plan for the warp pipes is to have one pipe either in or just outside my house (depending on space and how it looks), and then one pipe by my airport entrance. This is due to my house being placed on the opposite side of the island from my airport, so being able to get to it faster will be really nice. It's definitely nice we can have multiple warp pipes, though, so maybe I'll add more to my island at a later date.
That's great news!.
My first thought when I saw them is I can use them to warp inside the Museum crater on the north of my island. I had to destroy one side of the cliff to access it, because I couldn't spare that many inclines to keep the entire crater edge. But now I can hide a pipe behind the cliffs and use those as a tunnel through.

I'll probably move mine for events though - eg in my town the bug/fishing tourneys are quite limited as my RS is walled on 3 sides by cliffs, river and beach, so warping straight to the middle of town would be great there.

I'm gonna make a functional outhouse :> You enter the pipe next to an outhouse and it will lead inside a house dedicated to being a bathroom :>
Please say the warp pipe will be the toilet, so you can flush yourself out of the outhouse!
Ok so I did some thinking and now I'm wondering if you could use these for events and stuff too like for the fishing tourney as an example. Have 4 pipes placed on two beaches and by two rivers instead of running back and forth. That would be such a time saver for those of us that have a lot of clutter to run to in order to get to the opposite sides of our islands. It could also be fun to use for games like a hide and seek type of thing where everyone jumps into a series of warp pipes and one person has to run around and find everyone. Or something like that, I don't know!

All I know is I hope the actual pipe is customizable or easily hidden by other decor. I'm not wild about the bright green pipes being everywhere!
Travel hub is basically it for me. I'll probably put it outside as a quick back and forth to the airport; move it when I have high priced turnips so I can allow others to visit and sell theirs quickly.
The longest distance I have to walk/run is from my house (top of the map) to the airport (bottom of the map), so I'll place one near each area for faster travel :>
I definitely need one by my museum haha. I never want to go assess fossils just because it's pretty inconveniently located. I don't think I'd put one on Redd's beach though, because I like the few little items I put there for decor and I just couldn't fit the pipe there as well. I'll probs put one by my villager's - since I have them in a terraced community. Would make it quick to go say hi to everybody. :D
I actually love the fact that you wind up somewhere random if you have more than two! Makes it fun and exciting haha.
I don't have the island for it, burnt best idea is to have an obvious cool area blocked off by cliffs/fences, and have a warp pipe as the only access point. Then, hide the other pipe somewhere on the island.

For more useful utility, I'd use it to get from my house to Redd's beach, as that's pretty much my farthest trek whenever he's there.
I had a thought for those who don't want a pipe ruining your exterior designs. You could use these to effectively have a house expansion and warp from your house into a second characters house to give the impression of having an extra 6 rooms. Like say you have an industrial area and want a 'skyscraper' build. You could put a pipe on the first floor of your house, and the basement of the 2nd character, so it feels like you have 3 more floors on top of your house.
Yes! I'm going to create a secret space that can only be accessible by warp pipe! That secret space also happens to have one of my PC houses that has an ancient ruins/Zelda temple-like theme. I may place more around depending on how the warp pipes work.
My island isn't hard to navigate by any means, so I'll probably just put them somewhere on the west and east beaches.

Alternatively I'll put them by my house and campsite, to cut down on how long it takes to hassle with camper RNG.
If they are random I will probably just use 2. One by my house and the other in town by airport/ stores.
I see some people saying they're going to have a pipe inside and outside. Has it been confirmed that they can work that way?
not sure if I'll make a permanent warp pipe space, but I intend to use them to decorate my island faster or clean out my storage faster by placing one in front of my house and then in front of the desired place!