I don't have the full storage space because my house isn't fully expanded, I really wish they would give us the storage expansion without it affecting the size of our homes though. What I do to save space is get rid of all things that can be reordered and I put some of my crafting materials outside like decorations like having stacks of shells on the beach or stacks of rocks by my rock garden. Most of my items in storage are clothes, I usually have 10-20 open slots if I'm being good about it.
I have, but once winter is over I'll be selling all my cold weather clothing items, so that will free up a lot of space (which, of course, I'll fill with spring/summer clothes eventually). I also have a lot of the season diy items and am considering selling them. It's hard to decide what to get rid of.
I haven't upgraded my storage. I think I have around 1200 items but I'm going to start getting rid of/selling stuff. I have so many items from saharah and gulliver i need to sell. also random furniture and clothes. i have way too many orange pumpkins. i will keep a lot of my crafting materials and unorderable stuff. but the junk got to go. i am a minimalist irl and if you saw my characters house you'd see it there too.
Fortunately not, since I was at the original max for the longest time, though I'm slowly inching my way closer to the new max. I'm currently at 2194/2400, so still a fair amount of room left before I need to worry about going through my storage again.
I'm hovering around 1,700. Every now and then, I need to go through and clean my closets. I think it's getting to be time again, since I'd like to bring it down to about 1,500 or so.
Most of my storage is clothing, and I probably have more resources stored than I actually need (the year-round harvestables, at any rate), so I can clear that out. I'll keep anything unorderable, and probably crafted/expensive items. But I probably don't need to keep every color of the rubber toe sneakers on hand.
I've hit it several times now but I keep the entirety of the orderable furniture in my main character's storage so that's partly why. My secondary character is getting close as well; I keep all my clothing, materials and unorderables in their storage.
i haven’t filled it yet, thankfully; i believe i have around 1,900 items right now so i’ve still got a few hundred spaces left. while i’m not very good at prioritization and am a bit of a hoarder, i recommend getting rid of anything that you’re not using but would be easy to get back in the future; orderable stuff, for example. :’)
I'm actually quite surprised I haven't reached the max yet.
I am a bit of a hoarder, and have a bunch of stuff that I will probably never need or use.
If it was to get full though, I do have my second character as back up. Although I haven't got the extra storage for her yet xD.
What I do is just sell the stuff I won't use. Weather I sell it on here, on Nookazon or just give it too Nook's Cranny.