Have you ever felt unbridled rage?


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2017
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I spent the last year as the manager of my team.
I did everything for them.
Trained them. Answered all their questions. Dealt with any issues that came up.

The official position of manager came up, the one and only chance for me to progress at my company. A job doing exactly what I do now on top of my normal job.

I didnt get it.
It went to someone outside the company because I didn't have any official experience.

I mean the fact I've done the job on top of mine unpaid for a year... nope didnt count.

I'm furious.

Of course I'm leaving that company ASAP.
Its not spur of the moment.
It was decided before I even applied that if 4 years of being better than everyone else and leading the team didnt get me the position.
I'm done.
And while I wait for a new job, I'm going to enjoy watching them fall apart as I'm literally the only person that knows how to do it all.

Have you ever felt such rage?
When did you feel it? What did you do?

I'd love to know.
Since murder isn't legal, I've no idea what do to with my feelings now
I’m sorry to hear that - nobody deserves such treatment.. I hope your new job will be more rewarding!

I have felt wrath once, and I feel like ever since experiencing fury like that it unlocked some emotion within me I didn’t think I was capable of. Since that experience I’m not as resilient as I used to be and loose my temper more easily.

The story was that my mum and I were driving home one day, and a man came speeding up behind us, almost touching our bumper. We were going the speed limit so idk what he was expecting. He kept coming closer and my mum got really stressed. At one point he overtook us, just to slam his brakes after 100 meters to enter the petrol station driveway. My mum, who was super angry, decided to follow him and confront him face to face at the petrol station - because where I’m from that kind of behaviour can be reported to the police and she wanted to tell him that that was not ok. I stayed in the car, but was already feeling sick to my stomach because I was nervous for her. I watched them through the windshield. He came towards her, his head bright red with pulsing veins and there he stood, towering over her and shouting at her, throwing wild gestures inches from her face. I thought he might physically hurt her - and I just completely lost it. I’m generally super protective of the people I love but I didn’t know I could be like that. I jumped out of the car, and found myself in between my mum and him. I don’t remember how I got there, or what exactly I said, but I do remember shouting at him that he should back the f off, stop using that tone with my mother and better not lay a finger on her. He spat that I was an ill behaved brat and some other insults. I almost punched him in the face for that, and I mean it. I didn’t because my mum held me and awkwardly dragged me away. I was shaking with fury, and I’m shaking again typing this out.

I’m not a violent person and I’m rather soft spoken. Idk where I took that amount of hatred and aggression from. I guess I just can’t stomach someone disrespecting and threatening my loved ones.

This happened years ago and I still get extremely worked up over it whew
Yeah, sometimes in the past when I was younger, but I’ve moved past that. I very, very rarely get truly angry these days. However, when I do it’s usually through the roof and no matter what anyone says or does, I’m the only one who can stop it. It’s like time stops for the world when it happens.

However, I never have and never will direct it at another person to be honest. The only times I’ll engage someone in combat is if they’re trying to harm myself or someone else that I know and care about. When that happens my anger is even worse than what I described in the first paragraph. There is no comparison.

99% of the time I’m pretty chill though.
I get mad often but I usually keep my negative feelings to myself.

When I was in 7th grade which was awhile ago, there were these multiples of kids in my grade who would make fun of me. Out of those multiples there was this one kid (who I’m gonna call D for the sake of this story) who I just resented with all my being.

These kids would usually joke about me or come around my desk and laugh at me but I just hated D in particular because he made fun of me more often than the others. His bullying made me feel so mad that I wanted to find the nearest object to bash his head in with.

One day, D and his friend came around my desk at recess and they started laughing at me. I obviously took offense to that so I got up to tell the teacher but she asked me if I was absolutely sure that they were laughing at me and maybe not at something else.

This got me even more upset, recess ended and the next class was English. I got to my desk, my assigned seat was next to D’s seat, it was also like this in one other class too because teachers just love to put me in the worst spots next to the bad/loud people because I’m quiet. So anyway, D said something mean about me to the person next to him which I heard and I couldn’t contain myself anymore so I hit him.

The whole class acted like I beat the **** out of him and he told on me so the teacher went on about some stupid BS and gave me a stern talking to instead of him. I know that violence is never the answer and I should never use violence but this little mf was making my life a nightmare and I should’ve gotten him to stop some other way even though I didn’t punch him that hard. I could’ve told my parents about what was happening but I was afraid that they would be dramatic about it and I felt like I was too grown up to get help from my parents. I also felt like a weakling for getting bullied, I felt very insecure around this time and I felt like I needed to punch him to prove my toughness.

He didn’t completely stop bullying me but at least he did it in a lesser degree. He moved away to Missouri a few months later and I never want to see that ******* again, that is the angriest I have ever gotten with someone.

Sorry for the weird spacing, I didn’t want this to be a huge blocky paragraph.
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I never get really angry and if I am mad it either doesn't last long or it quickly turns into sadness/depression. I've only ever felt some form of rage maybe two times. when I discovered that my dad accidentally killed my cat 3 years ago, but like I said above it didn't last long bc I knew it was an accident and he felt really bad abt it. and then back in 2015 when my parents took my old cat back to a farm after she had tried to come home with us and my mom's friends cat didn't like her (she turned out to just be a mean cat) and then my old cat ran off and someone basically stole her. I haven't seen her since, and I'm still very upset that I'll never see her again.
yea it happens sometimes, the stress my sister causes me on a day to day basis adds up after a whilenand i get so angry i want to throw something and curse but i cant get it out that way (throwing stuff for obvious reasons, and i cant curse cuz my parents dont let me)so i end up choosing some other unhealthy coping mechanism that id rather not say 😞

its pretty common for me to get angry but it takes a lot of buildup to get me THAT angry
I'm so sorry that happened to you, but I think you're doing the right thing by moving on. I've worked for a major corporation for 20 years now and I've seen the same thing happen to different people time and time again. It's just not worth it. I hope your next job will be better for you.

I'm generally not the type of person to feel true rage. I get angry sometimes, but most of the time I'm a very calm and patient person. I have felt that kind of anger before with a coworker, though. I had been doing my job for several years and since my predecessors had all moved on to other jobs, I was the most experienced person on the team. My boss hired someone who was very ill-equipped to do the job. He had even consulted with me before hiring this person and I warned him that it would be a bad fit and provided him data on how poorly this person was doing at his current job (it was my job to QA his work so I had all that info available to me). I explained to my boss that it didn't make sense to hire someone for a QA role who showed a very poor understanding of the tasks they would be auditing. He got hired anyway.

To make matters worse, this guy was lazy. He disappeared all day and I ended up having to do all my work and most of his. On top of that, when he was around he would constantly interrupt me to pitch some idea of his for improving things. I'm all for improvement, but most of the things he suggested were things we had tried previously while I had been working the job. I was always able to tell him exactly why the idea failed before, but he keep coming back and harassing me about it over and over again. We, correction, I was drowning in work and didn't have time for all that nonsense. He also talked down to me all the time, treated me like I was dirt, etc. I heard a rumor that he was very sexist and with his attitude I believed it.

I never said anything directly to him but I did complain to my boss and even my boss's boss. Nothing was ever done about him and every day I would leave work literally trembling with rage. I'm so glad I got out of that job and now neither he nor the boss that hired him are still with the company.
yeah for sure, when it does i just let it get out of my system and it passes
I very rarely ever get angry. The only time I was truly angry at work was when I had my dental surgery and I was in the recovery stage of about three weeks to a month. My manager didn’t give me any time off due to us being short-staffed and I could barely talk. My face was completely bruised and I had no energy. I managed to get one day off but the manager was a bit angry that she had to work and was even attempting to talk me into working anyway. She was very manipulative. She called me on my day off to work, and you want to know what she said? She needed me to cover her shift because her daughter just had dental surgery and she wanted to be there for her. Sounds familiar. I quit that day. I knew in the back of my mind though that it was a long time coming. I wanted to quit before that. I guess this was my scapegoat to leave a job that I wasn’t really all that interested in, in the first place.
It almost never happens. Normally I just get irritable for a few hours and it passes. The only times I’ve gotten unbridled rage was when I ruminated about something in the past for a long time. Like with my irritability it passes pretty quickly.

i have a sibling i mentioned in a few posts. there is a two year age gap between us.

all my life, i've grown up hearing "why do you let them treat you like that? you're older."

all my life, i've been bullied by them and its gradually gotten worse. homophobia, colorism, verbal - and sometimes physical abuse - it never ended. it got worse as they got older.

one day, when we were coming home from dinner, they brought up an experience we had as children. if i talked about it in full detail my account would probably get a warning and some of the details i'm not comfortable with sharing, but the premise is that when we were extremely young i found out they were watching promiscuous/inappropriate videos only featuring female characters and threatened to tell members of our family. we were YOUNG, i was probably around 10? if not 9.

obviously, that was a spiteful thing to do but i was a kid. we both were. what happened next blew my mind.

for some context, they are a lesbian. i am bisexual. i have been out for some time and was out before them as well.

they accused me of outing them whenever i told my parents what they were watching.

i was confused and horrified. i just thought it was funny to tell to get back at all the mean things they'd done. i did not understand the concept of feminine attraction or the lgbtq+ community. not once did i consider doing it to undermine their identity. i was a kid who was constantly at war with my sibling.

they ragged on me for a few minutes and then i broke. i broke. i started screaming at them hysterically, telling them they were trying to victimize themself and pointing out how i'd always been different from them because of the color of my skin and how they constantly had to victimize themselves to feel better than me. how i had always had to be better than them because that was what i was told to do and i showed them kindness even when they were cruel. since that day, we have not had a good relationship.

so yeah, thats my story
yeah probably a few times over my life. life and people can be really frustrating. if you expect things in life to go wrong sometimes or for people to not care much about you i think its a little easier to handle when bad things happen. not everything in life is going to go the way you want, and you can only control your own actions.

i dont mean that its great to be negative all the time or not give people a chance, but i think its good to be prepared for things to go wrong sometimes because thats just life
In 8th grade, some kid in my class wanted to partner up with me. If I'm being brutally honest, he wasn't my favorite person ever. I said no, and that I was sorry. Then, I hear this dude call me the f-slur under his breath. I was so angry. Like, I take major offense to that. It's extremely disrespectful. I never told anyone because I grew up in Alabama. Not the most, um, accepting place ever, I'd say. But yeah, I'm still kind of upset about it lol