• Staff favorites and raffle winners have been announced for TBT's Season of Giving! See the latest announcement thread: TBT's Season of Giving 2024: Closing Ceremony. Thank you to everyone for sharing your creativity and generosity during this event!

have you ever got mistaken for the opposite sex?

I have an effeminate voice, so when I go through the drive thru, I often get mistaken for a woman.

Once, a girl called me "m'am" and I can usually make my voice a little lower and they get that I'm a man and don't call me "m'am" again (not that I really care tbh, but it would be awkward for me when I pull up and I'm a guy and I didn't say anything about her calling me m'am) but this girl did not get it. So I made my voice progressively lower and lower and she still called me m'am. SO I finally had to do my super butch voice and she finally ****ing got it and was like, "OH...sir" LOL.
No, I think it's physically impossible for me to get mistaken for a boy. Just saying. XD
yeah that happens to me all the time cuz im a cross dresser

the worst part about being a cross dresser though is having to use oranges for boobs cuz they arent very big
Yeah, when my hairstyle was different. I actually liked it that people couldn't always tell my sex. I don't know how often that happened though because we only use the unisex gender pronoun here so misgendering isn't always that obivous. Now my hairstyle gives me away but if it weren't for that, I think I'd still get misgendered since I otherwise look quite androgynous. (that's what I'd like to think at least)
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On the internet yes, the saying" everyone is a guy on the internet until proven female" xD
But these are people i've never met before, never saw my picture/ heard my voice because despite being a female my nickname is Jeff. An old friend used to call me Jeff and my entire guild did, plus other friends and well I prefer to be call Jeff, the only person who calls me by my real name is my 2 best friends and my boyfriend, and most of the time he calls me Jeff also. In real life I could never be mistaken for a male, My voice is girly, my hair is long and my chest size is generously blessed.
I cant say that i have, in real life. I know theres a feature on the 3ds on the camera where it detects male and female faces and it detected mine as male for just a few photos lol. Not that i mind.
Yes. MANY TIMES ON THE PHONE. I always sound like a 4 year old.... EVEN MY FRIENDS SOMETIMES THINK IM A GIRL WHEN I DONT HAVE A SISTER 😭 I definitely look like a boy but dont really act too much like one xD but yes SO SO MANY TIMES online or even on the phone people think I am a girl. Never in person though, MY NAME IS MR_KEROPPI LIKE IT SAYS MR. HOW CAN YOU THINK I AM GIRL???? But I guess its much more respectful to say something non bianary rather than assume!!! 💚
Online, several times—although in a lot of other places I use more neutral/masculine usernames too. In real life, sadly never, at least I don't think. 😅 I don't actually mind being perceived as a woman in and of itself (for the most part), I just wish it wasn't always the case. I've tried, but I'm not very androgynous in appearance. Alas.
Both online and in real life people assume I’m a cis man. I tried wearing a dress in public once during a pride parade. People either treated me the same or treated me worse. I have a more feminine voice that I’ve been practicing for 12 years (and it sounds pretty good), but I’m too embarrassed to use it. Instead I just stick to my default deep voice and androgynous clothing choices. Maybe I should consider a gender fluid pin…
All. The. Damn. Time. And I don’t care one bit. It actually upsets me more to be mistaken as a minor. If someone mistakes me for a male, I truly don’t mind. I usually just smile, if I’m being honest. Yes, I’m a female.
Not on here, but on another forum people used to mistake me for a male (which I am a female), I think it was because of a username I had where people thought my name was Shawn, when it is actually Shawna.
Not on the internet, but in RL. When I was a kid, one time the principal asked me not to wear a hat in the building. I wore a hat because I was about to go outside and it was winter. She asked me whether I was a boy or girl (why!?), and she kind of looked disgusted. I was very hurt, because I thought I obviously looked like a girl (because I did). I guess she wanted to hurt me because she didn’t like children. So disrespectful.
On the internet I have been mistaken as a male quite a few times. Not sure if there are habits I have that make people think that or if it is just the default mindset people go to when they don't see a million things that are pink and cute on whatever profile I have.
In person I haven't been mistaken for being male, but I have been assumed to be lesbian many times for whatever reason.
There has only been a couple of times I was asked what my preferred pronouns are, but I think they were just trying to be friendly and did that to everyone they came across. They cared about theirs so it could have been a way to communicate that to others without appearing over bearing or demanding.
never in real life. i’m female but i wouldn’t be surprised if people have mistaken me for a male on the internet because you can’t really tell based on my username.
In real life often, a few times on the phone, maybe a few times on the internet as well depending on the nickname and avatar.
I usually don't say anything about it, I let people call me however they want, it doesn't matter, unless they are hitting on me or I'm in situation where it could matter.
In real life no, but online oh yeah very often. I'm a female but many people think I'm a guy because of my profile looks and usernames. And especially because most often I play as boy avatars in games. Doesn't bother me too much, I usually re-correct them. Kinda funny when they say "oh I'm sorry" in ways when they think its a big problem when its really not. We make mistakes.
I have a weird frame that's masculine (drives me up a wall myself), but I am otherwise so feminine (and present myself such - long hair, very feminine clothes) that it doesn't tend to happen. At least not to my face.

Online, I have been assumed to be a guy a few times. However, I don't know if that is a real assumption or is a "male is the default" kinda BS assumption. I can be kinda abrasive sometimes, I'll admit. I've even been told that. >.<