have you ever got mistaken for the opposite sex?

To the best of my knowledge, I haven't. I'm a female and in real life I look very much like a female even though I often wear gender-neutral or male clothing. I also have a feminine voice. On the internet, my usernames and avatars usually indicate to people that I'm a female.

I am a cis female, but I wouldn't care if someone mistook me for a different gender. I would just get a laugh out of it.
i used to have super duper short hair when i was 12 and i was really really skinny, and i got confused for a boy a couple times. i lived in a small town and nobody knew me so i'd always be "that short boy"

then i developed and it never happened again. my hair is pretty short now but its extremely evident that i'm female presenting.
i've never been mistaken for the opposite sex, no. i wouldn't say my features are super feminine as most of my features are from my dad, but i like to think it's easy to see i'm female presenting, especially from my name & the way i dress.
Yeah ever since I grew out my hair. Got mistaken at a store with my fiance. Door greeter gave us a "have a good day ladies".

I did have a mask on so I don't blame the person lol
I've never been mistaken for the opposite sex once but wish i was more. Being assigned a girl when I was born and being called nothing but one has only been more irritating since I found I am possibly non binary. However, being called by male pronouns and compliments sounds way better then female ones for me.
In real life, no, never. I'm pretty obviously a guy, so I've never had somebody mistake me for being female at any point in my life. It definitely wouldn't happen these days, given my facial hair, lol.

Online, it's very rarely happened. While it's not something that bothers me unless there's clear malicious intent (which has never happened, fortunately), I'll still correct a person if they use the wrong pronouns for me multiple times.
In real life, no. Online though, I have been, but mainly because of my real name. I've been called "Sir ______" a few times, which definitely made me feel weird, but I definitely don't it against them as I understand it's hard to tell one's identity and preferred pronouns online when unspecified.
Been called a guy a few times irl, online, Idk. No one online has reffered to me other than my usernames. I do wonder, (not this site cause my username here is a lil fem and my name is neutral) how others preceive me with my usernames.

It mostly happened back when I worked at my old job. I had really short hair, part of it was shaved, clothes weren't form fitting and baggy and all my hair was pulled up in a hair net. I guess my face kinda looks guy-ish? Like I don't have a real fem face features, but my voice is higher than I think it is, to me it doesn't sound fem but I think to others it does.
I'm not sure if this counts but irl I had a guy friend of mine in high school say that I 'acted like a dude' (I am a girl btw). To this day I still have no idea what this means.
a bit lmao. my irl name is a pretty common boys name so sometimes people get confused when reading my name. without my hair extensions, people think i'm a boy too for some reason. it doesn't really bother me though.
twice. once in a queue in a supermarket from behind, while wearing a big, red, comfy, woolly cardigan. the second time was while i was out running. a car came up beside me with their window down with two men inside, who were surprised to see i wasn't a woman and quickly speeded away. a pretty gross encounter, mostly because i can imagine how gross it would have been if i actually was a woman
Once! A super long time ago. They saw me from far away though, so I imagine not much reasoning was behind it.
I don’t think so. Which is kinda surprising as I’m not exactly very feminine; I don’t look it, I’m a tomboy, and my voice is quite deep lol
At this point, i honestly just don't care at all if anyone sees me as a chick or vice versa usually i get assumed as a chick because i often have bishies as pfps lol.
Once, on the phone when I was in high school. I was helping my mom talk to customer service on the phone. My voice sounds a bit childish when I talk in Spanish. The customer service rep mistook me for a boy.

Anyway, the man was being a jerk already and the conversation was not going anywhere; so we ended it soon after that.
many times, though thankfully not for several years now. i had really short hair when i was younger, up until i was around 13-14, and i was mistaken for a male a lot for some reason because of it. “are you a boy or a girl?“ was a common question i’d get, though only ever from people at school. it happened so often during my first few years of school that i would come home and question my mom about whether i was really a girl, or if somehow someone had made a mistake and i had actually been a boy the whole time 😵‍💫

it bothered me for the longest time, but thinking about it now, i don’t get how my gender was questionable, especially once i was in middle school. i had a feminine name, dressed femininely, had obvious female body parts etc, so idk. i’ve chalked it up to stereotypes and kids/teenagers being weird sometimes lol

i’ve become much more feminine-presenting since then, so my chances of ever being mistaken for a male again are pretty much nonexistent, but a part of me is still always worried about it. it wasn’t fun being mistaken for the opposite gender, especially when people weren’t very nice about it. i don’t want to feel like that again.
This thread topic kinda gives me not great vibes lol.
But anyway yeah, I have before online back when I went by the name of a Pokemon.