Have you ever had the same dream more than once?

Since I was about 6, every 1-2ish years I have the same vivid reoccurring dream that I'm in a forest on a mountain with an old abandoned train engine. Its weird because to this day the dream looks and plays out the exact same way down to the tiniest details.
I dream very rarely, but I used to have a couple reoccurring dreams for a long time throughout my childhood. One of them as really scary because it would always end badly, and one wasn't scary at all but I used to get scared anyway. Over the last exam period in high school, I didn't have one bad dream about exams until after I had finished all my exams. The dreams of either missing my exam, failing an exam, disrupting an exam or whatever kept on happening over and over again even though exams had finished. I guess it was just on my mind still lol
Just a small update on this, I had reoccurring dreams about not getting my degree for a good couple years after graduating from university. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm actually qualified because it used to happen so often 🫠
Absolutely 100%. I've had the dream of this little girl in my room a couple times. It sounds scarier as I'll write it out, but it wasn't that scary at all. She basically sits on the floor playing with toys, crawling around on the floor, and eventually notices me and comes up to my face and just says hi. Again, sounds scary, but it honestly feels okay? Like as if she really is just having a good time and wanted to say hello to me.