Have you ever thought about leaving TBT?

I left TBT for around a year and a half because I was losing interest in Animal Crossing, but thanks to my sister, I'm really into it again and so today I decided to dig up my account!
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I already pretty much have left, I don't really come here for anything other than the shiny Pokemon. Once that starts dying out, I'm out of here for good. I have quite a few...problems with this place.

(That and ACNL is pretty much dead to me. :) )
I've only really "left" a singular forum formally, but honestly when it comes to leaving a website it's just myself not opening the website anymore. I've "left" TBT several times before where I was active for a while and then I just end up getting busy and not log on for a while. Just don't see a point in announcing that you've quit a website unless you're dying or there's something serious that you think other members should know about.
I've never considered quitting, but it's not unusual for me to disappear for a few months or more simply because I've forgotten this place.
I think at this point I couldn't leave TBT even if I wanted to.
I'm actually kind of already leaving.. I'm burnt out from my shops and the forums don't have very much to offer anymore since activity has really died down. I dunno, I'm just not as addicted/active recently and it's kinda sad.. But when a new AC game comes out, I'm sure I'll get over my burn out really quickly lol
I have but usually just take breaks. There are some pretty friendly people here and besides even though activity is a bit low this site is pretty damn good for active acnl players. really hope things spark up here soon. :/
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Most of my friends aren't active anymore so I've pretty much stopped posting, no point posting around when you don't even know half the people here!
I activated this account about a year ago, I think, and only just became active. So far, it seems pretty nice, and I don't think I'm gonna leave any time soon.
I did leave the trading system after I got harassed and scammed and the mod took the site of the loudest person.
I'm on here because of friends, not because of acnl. so i've been taking breaks, but i usually come on to see how everyone is doing.
I thought about leaving TBT last year.

There was a group of users (there still here but they aren't as active together) who were problematic and made the forums really unlikeable, luckily that was only one section of the forums but it was my favourite board, I'm talking about Brewster's Caf? and the Basement. They would always say something rude, always. They never had anything nice to say and overtime I got over them, sadly they still do this and I choose to ignore them. TBT is an outlet for me because people share my interests and that's hard to find where I live, so I'm really grateful to the forums and the people on here because you're someone to talk to when there's nobody else and for the most part the users on here are delightful. That's why I stayed.

There has been several incidents were I've had "flame wars" with people, that didn't make me want to leave but it reminded me who I should avoid in the future, I should thank them for being immature because it has helped me like TBT a bit more.

I was also able to observe this kind of events on the old forums where I was going.
By experience, the "flame wars" and the loss of interest for the forum topic are the main reasons of leaving.

But hey, all amateur forums have undergone this kind of phases. I have read some posts about the loss of activity of this forum. Let me tell you: as a community, you seems very lucky. Many would like to have these attendance and post rates in 2017. You seem to have all the tools at your hands to fully enjoy the next Animal Crossing as a community :)

When I was part of a moderation team, we often got into the habit of "cleaning up" the forum between two video game releases (Zelda): unnecessary topics, checking forum features and their interest, community brainstorms, etc. We tried several times to better federate the newcomers (more rare than in 2005), insisting that they come to discuss on the chat, and take the time to discuss with them about the past of the forum, and what is still to find over there. Kinda saved the forum.

For my part, I spent more than 11 years on this one. I think that will be my ultimate record. I no longer have the time, with my age and my work, to invest myself as before. But above all, I want to discover new types of forums and communities, help them to evolve, rather than stay anchored too long.