No. The three part time jobs I tried were all too draining. Even 20 hours a week felt like a lot sometimes. I have nothing but respect for those that handle multiple jobs.
kinda? i worked at a sushi shop for a bit and then worked 1-2 days a month at gamestop to keep the discount. but i only did that for like 3 months and then quit gamestop completely.
I didn't actually work it but I got pressured into working a 40 hour work week and then additional part time shifts on the weekends. I got a new job that was 8-4:30 and when I went to quit my other job (which was at Tim Hortons), they tried to get me to come in both weekend days. Sure, more money, that sounds great on paper, but self care is important.
I don't know what your situation is but if you're already working 40 hours a week, imo that's enough. People need breaks and time to themselves. But if you have to work two jobs, my best answer is to be clear with both places that they need to schedule you based on the other job. Some companies won't, but hopefully the ones you're at will. Maybe if you're working two part time jobs, they can be scheduled as a full time gig would?