Have you ever.....?

No but I have been tricked by it ;_;

Have you ever stared at something bright for too long and then your eyes hurt afterwards?
No, but it did happen with soda :/

Have you ever walked into something because you were looking at and talking to someone behind you?
I wouldn't know since I've never woken up because of something like that

Have you ever wondered how big space really is?

Have you ever taken a long time in the bathroom that people came to check on you?

Have u ever pushed ur grandma down the stairs coz she said twerking is a sin??
No. But I wouldn't push her anyway because twerking is disgusting

Have you ever accidentally killed a pokemon you were trying to catch
No because Pokemon faint, they don't die when you beat them in battle

Hav u ever touched it coz u wernt spun posed to then licked it with ur foot?