Have you ever.....?

I cracked my skull when I was 2, it 'healed' now

Have you ever set off illegal fireworks?
No, and I hate fireworks. Not for its loud but how people are using them for animal abuse...bleh!

Have you ever hit your big toe?
No, I'm a good girl :)

Have you ever skipped a detention and the teacher never realised? (I have)
I've never had a detention.

Have you ever been in a school sport but you hated it so much you hid in the locker room until it was over? (I know I have :D)
Never played any sports, haha!

Have you ever broken a game controller in a fit of rage at the game?
Does a muffin count?

And have you ever roundhouse-kicked somebody?
Yesh :3 The aftermath wasn't so pretty though :<

Have you ever eaten a gross flavored jelly bean? I ate the barf one once :(
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