Have you gotten in trouble for something that you didn’t know that it was wrong as a child?


Shipping Princess
May 2, 2021
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Camp Bell Tree 2021 Patch
Green Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Tasty Cake
The Bell Tree World Championship 2021 Patch
Tasty Cake
Red Rose
I was about 10 years old and I didn’t know what I had done was wrong. It took place in the cafeteria and I had that mentioned sub with me.

I was buying my lunch like I normally would, when the sub offered to buy me a cookie. Being 10 and love sweets, I took him up on his offer. My friend at the time had saw the gesture and told me that what I’ve done wasn’t nice and didn’t waste any time as she told a teacher on me.

Long story short, i was told to pay the sub back the $1,45 following by a apology for my actions. And since then I grew afraid of taking handouts for the rest of my childhood up to 9th grade.

What gets me is, if the teacher offers something to you, how’s that taking advantage of them? Anyway whatever. The man gotten his money back and I DID apologized sooo…..

… now that I think about it, I guess it didn’t help that the guy was 10 years older than me and was such a babe…man now I see it….

What about you? Don’t have to share if too personal.
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I have this vague memory of waiting for the school library to open and when it did, the librarian was mad at me for being there? I don't remember exactly how it went but apparently I should have just left when I saw it was closed. I was so confused and upset, though.
I was about 10 years old and I didn’t know what I had done was wrong. It took place in the cafeteria and I had that mentioned sub with me.

I was buying my lunch like I normally would, when the sub offered to buy me a cookie. Being 10 and love sweets, I took him up on his offer. My friend at the time had saw the gesture and told me that what I’ve done wasn’t nice and didn’t waste any time as she told a teacher on me.

Long story short, i was told to pay the sub back the $1,45 following by a apology for my actions. And since then I grew afraid of taking handouts for the rest of my childhood up to 9th grade.

What gets me is, if the teacher offers something to you, how’s that taking advantage of them? Anyway whatever. The man gotten his money back and I DID apologized sooo…..

… now that I think about it, I guess it didn’t help that the guy was 10 years older than me and was such a babe…man now I see it….

What about you? Don’t have to share if too personal.
I mean, without going into too great detail, I'm assuming the reason the teacher probably didn't like it is that some predatory people do use things like that in order to get close to children for less than innocuous purposes. I'm not saying the sub in question was like that; he probably just wanted to do something nice for you. But it's something that the school system largely tries to be conscious of. I don't think it's something that you did that was wrong, but something they didn't want to explain to you at that age. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't think it had anything to do with taking advantage of him or anything like that.
I’ve gotten in trouble at school for something I didn’t do. I was in this small class with six other kids. The teacher’s keys got locked in the classroom, and all six of them blamed me and told the teacher I did it. It wasn’t possible to talk my way out of it, and now that I think about it, they probably could’ve checked the cameras. I got a detention for it. That one incident stood out to me. I was a main target for bullying in elementary school. It was a terrible school district in general. They claim to be a bully-free school but when bullying happens, nothing is done about it.
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I mean, without going into too great detail, I'm assuming the reason the teacher probably didn't like it is that some predatory people do use things like that in order to get close to children for less than innocuous purposes.
This basically, or with older people/elders you don't know really no matter if it's a teacher/sub or not.

And yeah I've definitely gotten in trouble loads of times, I were pretty loud-mouthed as a kid and even less knew what was allowed as a societal norm or not.
I don’t think I have, but my memory about my childhood is pretty much nonexistent. I do think my sister would try to get me in trouble for stuff she did all the time.

There is a chance that I did since my mom said that she noticed some signs of me having autism (or asperger’s) when I was a kid even.
I apparently shoplifted when I was 1 year old?

@Shipper-Girl-27 You didn't do anything wrong. The person in question was offering to pay for your food. Which could had been just a act of kindness or something more sinister, sure you never know, but you didn't do anything bad that you needed to apologize for. At least, that's my take.

I’ve gotten in trouble at school for something I didn’t do. I was in this small class with six other kids. The teacher’s keys got locked in the classroom, and all six of them blamed me and told the teacher I did it. It wasn’t possible to talk my way out of it, and now that I think about it, they probably could’ve checked the cameras. I got a detention for it. That one incident stood out to me. I was a main target for bullying in elementary school. It was a terrible school district in general. They claim to be a bully-free school but when bullying happens, nothing is done about it.
I hate when that happens. I almost got detention for something similar. Had to go to the principal's office and everything. Some kids were bullying another kid to the point where he started to cry. I was eating lunch at the cafeteria and didn't realize what was going on because I just wanted to eat my sandwich. Next thing I know some lady was screaming at me and I had to go to the office. Adults can suck because they never let children have their say.
Yes, plenty of times. I wasn't diagnosed with Aspergers/ASD until I was around 10 years old, so until then I got into fights in elementary school a lot or just outright threw temper tantrums or even chairs. Once I was diagnosed though and received the proper accommodations, and was also taught right from wrong, I mellowed out a lot over time. Now the thought of me doing any of those things is beyond me (and these days I rarely get angry, only for very, very good reasons, and my first inclination is to talk something out or to protect myself or someone I care about first).
I did get in trouble at school once back in like 1st or 2nd grade. There was a boy sitting near me who kept talking and flicking things at me. I was trying to be good and pay attention to the teacher, but this kid finally got on my nerves enough that I tried to quietly tell him to stop. The teacher caught me and wouldn't listen to my explanation at all. I had to sit by myself during free time that day instead of getting to play with my friends. I was not happy with that kid.
That's not exactly my fault or anything, but still want to share it.
As a kid I was sick often, very often. I missed pretty much every 2nd week at least one day of school. (Still was able to finish my classes without ever having to repeat them somehow).. anyways, apparently it's a wrong thing to be sick so often, lol. I learned from other people in my class, that the teacher always said that I was faking being sick and such and I got in trouble because of it, as she was convinced it's true.
Luckily I always had the approval of doctors that I was indeed sick. So yeah.. since I learned that I was really afraid of not going to school when I had fever, throwing up, etc. and often dragged myself sick to school until my Mom stopped that.

And here is something that I actually got in trouble for, because I didn't know it was wrong: I stole a little wooden ladybug when I was like 5 years old from a shop, it was 1€ and my Mom didn't want to buy it for me, so I thought it was ok to just take it anyways. XD
Once my Mom noticed it, she decided to always place it on a shelf and remind me of how I stole it, so that I wouldn't do it again.
She wasn't actually mad tho, but man I felt bad. :D
Also yeah something I liked doing as a kid and didn't know it was wrong, I used to go to these pick and mix tea stands in a large grocery store and simply taste them for fun, took sometime before my dad told me it was wrong... I mean how I could I know you weren't allowed not to LoL.
Isn't that the whole part of growing up? Learning what's right or wrong by making mistakes and growing from them?
I was such a troublesome, dunce of a child. I got in trouble so many times for so many reasons lol

But mostly because I didn't realize that it was wrong. One I can remember the most is I was home alone, it was hot, so I opened the fridge, and freezer doors and just stood there to cool off lol

My mom wasn't happy when she came back lol
one time in kindergarten, me and this one kid were playing catch with a milk carton after lunch. the teacher saw and put my card on the yellow light, i knew it was wrong to an extent because i think i tried to stop when she came in the room. 6 year old me had her life flash before her eyes.

when i was even younger according to my parents, i was with my speech therapist and we were talking/doing something that had to do with a bowling pin. i said to my speech therapist: “oh that looks like a wine bottle! that’s what my daddy drinks.” she probably thought my dad was an alcoholic lol. i only know this because my parents told me and im sure they yelled at me after that.

shipper-girl i realized that we’re from the same state! i hope you don’t mind that i saw
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In preschool I had a friend with the same name as me. One day I wanted to show him something, which wasn't really spectacular. I held my fist upward and stuck out my thumb. I put my thumb back into my fist, then stuck out my index finger. Then I put my index finger back and raised my middle finger. You get the point. I guess he told on me, and when the teacher pulled me over and started shouting, I wasn't sure what was going on, and I found myself sitting in a timeout. I hadn't realized why I was in trouble up until later in life when I reflected on that day. At that age I didn't know sticking your middle finger up was a bad word.
I learned some words and i said them at school and got introuble for it all because at the time i didnt know swearing was a thing :/
I said “are you out of your damn mind” and I got in trouble, I didn’t know “damn” was considered a bad word.