Have you gotten in trouble for something that you didn’t know that it was wrong as a child?

I wouldn't say that I got in trouble, just scolded even if it wasn't my fault. In class we were sanitizing our desks, and two of my classmates ran up to me to grab the rag from me. I hold it up in the air, and my teacher says, "(my name), stop fooling around!" And there was this one kid on my class who would always talk to me, and eventually I got annoyed and told him to stop. My teacher said, "No talking, guys."
I got sent to the principal once because a kid was being made fun of to the point that he started to cry. I honestly didn't realize they were upset or were being made fun of. My mind was just in outerspace. It was during lunch period and I was more focused on my food. But everyone at that table got in trouble and sent to the office. Guilt by association and being in the vicinity. That sort of thing.
yes, and i was also punished for things that arent actually wrong like playing dress up with my little brother
I flipped my sister off when I was 5 and she told my grandma and I got an earful for it but I didn't even know what it meant, I just saw someone do it on TV 🤣
I had Minecraft on the Wii U and would use the microphone to chat to people on the battle mode and role play as Princess Daisy. I did not know that there are creepy people in the world at that age and I was little. I got in trouble but my parents were actually more sad that they did not check it out or tell me about that stuff. I wish that people could be more kind and not mean :(
Ugh, all the time. It eventually let to me avoiding certain family members because every conversation with them had a random chance of punishment. Was I in the wrong? I still have no idea since they wouldn't bother explaining what I actually did and any questions were somehow insulting them.
A neighbor was lying in the sun, surrounded by a semicircle of bushes. My cousins and I hid behind the bushes to observe her, and then we giggled. She was really mad and chased us away. We didn’t know what we did wrong, but my mom later explained it to us. xD
Also yeah, talking about school things. Once because I made fun of someone's cap/hat, I mean I just thought it was very ugly so I teased the guy lol.

And once because a girl I used to be friends with put something on MSN I never ever saw but our teacher thought it was something going on between us lmao because she told the teacher I assume?
My neighbor had a fish pond on their lawn and I grabbed my toy fishing rod to go “fishing”. My mother stopped me but I didn’t know they belonged to the neighbors, I just wanted to catch some fish. 🙃
My neighbor had a fish pond on their lawn and I grabbed my toy fishing rod to go “fishing”. My mother stopped me but I didn’t know they belonged to the neighbors, I just wanted to catch some fish. 🙃
Years of training in Animal Crossing wasted.
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My neighbor had a fish pond on their lawn and I grabbed my toy fishing rod to go “fishing”. My mother stopped me but I didn’t know they belonged to the neighbors, I just wanted to catch some fish. 🙃
That sounds lowkey awesome and I wanna do it XD
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being autistic i feel like every time i got in trouble was because of something i didn't understand i was supposed to be doing. for example a teacher yelled at me for not making eye contact, i knew you were "supposed to" make eye contact but i didn't know it was impolite not to and that people think it's really important, and i truly despised eye contact so i avoided it at all cost. i was probably 11 when that happened and i still remember it because it was really uncomfortable and made me distrust that teacher who i liked a lot before this incident.

there were also less important incidents that i don't remember as well where i got into fights or was bullied when i didn't understand the social cues and rules of recess.

i still avoid eye contact a lot and it was one of the reasons i actually got diagnosed when i was 15/16 because i was in therapy and kept staring into a corner instead of looking at my psychologist, which prompted her to ask me if i knew what autism was. lol.