No. I don't see any reason to at this point. Nintendo has been very generous with leaf tickets. I've earned enough to buy:
The two extra crafting spots @80 each = 160
Four extra market boxes @10 each = 40
Twenty +5 Inventory slots @20 each = 400
Total 600 Tickets
...and I still have over 300 tickets right now. I could buy KK's chair but it seems kind of boring so I'll wait to see if something better comes along.
The key is to have patience and not waste tickets on crafting times or materials.
Note: Leveling up will get you to 12 market boxes and only 150 inventory slots. If you want the max inventory (250) it will cost 400 tickets.
I don't know what the max market box number is, I have found that 16 is plenty for me so I won't be buying any more.