Having Trouble Getting 5-Star, What Is Isabell Saying?


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2020
I have a friend who has been playing for a few months now. She is a 4-star now. I have looked at her island and cannot understand why she is not a 5-Star. It looks really nice with plenty of trees, flowers, fences, and furniture. This is what Isabell has to say about it. "the island lacks appealing scenery, so decorate the entire island head to toe. I think you could create some pretty scenery and memorable vistas if you use some fencing here and there". Like I was saying she has plenty of fencing and everything else. Can anyone decipher what Isabell is really trying to say? Thanks for any help.
I believe this means more outdoor furniture/Nook Mile furniture...but I could be wrong. It's been a long time since I've talked to Isabelle lol
I think what she's trying to say is that the island needs to have more objects placed on the island to add "scenery". Its like outdoor items for your island that stands out. The more you have them on the island it will increase the 4 stars to 5 stars. That worked for me last year.
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I believe this means more outdoor furniture/Nook Mile furniture...but I could be wrong. It's been a long time since I've talked to Isabelle lol
You do need to have a lot more objects on the island to increase the 5 star. I just placed a lot of Mush lamps on my island and that was enough to get my island to 5 stars. Its kinda weird because she does say "having too many trees is causing folks to be lost" yet when you place a lot of furniture items she doesn't really mind it too much. The rating system is kinda weird.
Craft 50 hedges and place it around your island and check. If not, do 100. Or craft benches.

I don't have much outdoor furniture in my island (most of which are lamp posts and garden lanterns). I have a TON of fences though.
I believe that means you need more furniture outdoors. From what I remember, I kept getting the "lacks appealing scenery" comment from Isabelle for the longest time since I didn't have enough outdoor furniture, and I ended up just resorting to using Nookplaza's Island Rating tool to figure out how much furniture I needed to place to get my rating up to 5 stars, since I had more than enough of everything else.
My island was "lacking appealing scenery" for a long time. You need to place quite a bit of outdoor furniture, I got my island to five stars after making a little marketplace and a little cafe area.
You think you have enough items on your island? WRONG. Isabelle wants the place PACKED. Fences help a lot with it. I have a row of fences separating the entrance area of my island from the rest and that's probably what's keeping me @ 5* ngl. Its unnecessary and gets in the way sometimes but Isabelle likes it I guess.
It really is what everyone says. Trust me, I've had my island be 4 stars and look really good, but it doesn't matter. There's a points system for all the furniture and fencing around your island, and it needs to look like it's well decorated. Not necessarily the entire island - my cliffs were practically completely untouched when I reached 5 stars, except for all the flowers everywhere. Since then I've removed a lot of the flowers, but I've also added some scenery on a couple of my cliffs which makes up for it. Now I only go down to 4 stars if I'm in the process of redecorating for the season. Taking down all the seasonal decor takes a huge hit, but I get it back up right away once I've gotten it replaced with new seasonal stuff.

Honestly, I really enjoy doing DIY stuff for the outdoors. You can do so many benches and tables and stools and stuff. It's super simple and it honestly seems to make a HUGE difference with Isabelle's rating.